Chapter 16- Get it off!!

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Maya's POV

I take the lead since I've been there before, while fully conscious, much to Caelan's protests we walk there instead of running so that they don't hear us coming. Finally Blair can come home, we can kill that asshole and I can stop keeping that secret, its been eating me alive. We near the waterfall and our scouts head in first so we can formulate a plan due to their whereabouts.

5 minutes later they emerge and mind link me and Asher the locations which I then communicate to Livvie via WhatsApp we create a plan in which Nik, Mila and Caelan go find Blair, Livvie and I go for Jace and the others kill the rest.

Livvie and I go in first following the scouts directions to where he is.

"Maya? Since we're here now can you tell me what happened that day?" Livvie whispered.

"I guess there's no harm in it now."

Ozzy's POV

I headed in with Mila and Nik close behind. Mila had her bow ready with an arrow for if we come across anyone. We make our way to the direction the scouts said she was, I unfortunately couldn't get them to tell me her condition though so I don't know what to expect. We turned a corner and saw a guard talking to someone in a makeshift cell he had an evil smirk on his face. I motioned for Mila to shoot him to which she abliged. I walked towards the makeshift cell and what I saw horrified me.

Livvie's POV

We walked in the room where Jace was said to be lucky for us he was still there and alone.

"Well if it isn't the man who kidnapped my son to use him as bait." I said walking in confidently.

"And kidnapped my daughter to use her." Maya replied just as confidently.

"We've come to give you what you deserve."

"And have been waiting to do for 2 long years."

"Its going to be slow."

"And its going to be painful." Maya ended.

'Alright babe we got the last guard now kill that asshole.' I hear Andreas say in my head. Maya looks to me having got the same message from her mate.

"Guards!!!!" Jace yells looking way to confident for his own good.

"Fat chance boy. We're not stupid. They're already dead. You see we didn't come alone." Maya says stalking towards him. He begins to panic and turns to run the other way when our mates block his path and Adrien and Ezra block the other entrance.

"You stand no chance. Now you're going to pay."

Ozzy's POV

"B-Blair?" I choke out tears running down my face.

My mate is cuffed to a bed in a torn T-shirt and nothing else, shes littered with cuts and has a busted lip. Her beautiful red hair is stringy and her eyes are dull like her life has been drained away. She slowly turns her head towards me.

"Ozzy? Is it really you? No, I must be dreaming again." She says before falling asleep. I rush towards her and find the key for the cuffs on a table just out of her reach I grab it and unlock her as quickly as possible.

Once they're unlocked I pull her into me but I feel no sparks and she smells slightly different. She wakes up and begins to cry.

"Ozzy? Please get it off!! Please." She cries begging me over and over again to 'Get it off.' but not telling me what I'm supposed to get off.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2020 ⏰

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