Chapter 12- Come now Ozzy no need to growl

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Blair's POV

I heard Ozzy's growl behind me. I walked to the cupboard and changed into clothes in which I would be able to fight. I came out and saw Ozzy had also changed I reached under my bed for my daggers. Adrien began walking to show us where he was, I followed still not having spoken a single word. Ozzy fell into step next to me and interlaced our fingers I gave him a tight smile. I began to feel less tense as the sparks from the mate bond calmed me. We reached the Northern border and there stood my worst nightmare, Jace.

"Leave Jace. You're not going to get what you want." I spoke using my Alpha tone, hoping it would work considering he was once part of our pack.

"Now now Blair, is that anyway to to greet your mate you haven't seen in 2 years?"

"She said Leave." I turned my head and saw my parents as well as Ozzy's walking towards us however it was Dad who had spoken.

"Ahh Mr and Mrs Marshall long time no see. Did you miss me?"

Mom growled and Dad pulled her into him, "Listen here pup I wanted to kill you the day you hurt my daughters and I have regretted not doing so every day since!" Mom shouted her fox gaining partial control.

"I'm guessing you won't just come with me then... Spitfire?" He asked tilting his head. Caelan growled at the use of the nickname.

"Come now Ozzy no need to growl."He said in a sickly sweet manner.

"Alright. I guess I have to fight for you then." He said sighing. Wolves of all colours then emerged from the forest.

I got distracted by them and he managed to dissapear and hide. The rogues started to attack so we fought back. Ozzy shifted into his midnight black wolf and began tearing through the rogues I however stayed in human form as did Adrien, Mila and Mom. The four of us often fought together in human form while dad went solo. We stood together backs facing each other and fought them off Adrien and Mom fought enemy's who were closer as mom used dual swords and Adrien fought using martial arts. Mila fought the ones further off with her bow and arrows and I did both either throwing my daggers or fighting with them. We did occasionally spread out but we always came back together. We finished off the rogues near to us so we seperated to help others finish off theirs.

The fight was rather quick but I hadn't seen Jace the entire time I went to go find Ozzy but no one had seen him so I followed his scent and saw it stopped at a pool of blood with a letter set neatly next to it. I felt my whole world come crashing down as I ran towards it. I fell to the floor at the blood pool and picked up the note,

'I'm sorry darling but I knew we wouldn't win. I just had to beat your 'mate'. Now that I have your precious Ozzy you'll have no choice but to come running to me. Don't be surprised, I did tell you that you would come running to me. I'll drop off a note for the location tomorrow as to where you can come and trade. Him for You but you must come alone or else I will kill him. See you tomorrow!'

I was full on sobbing I began punching the ground. He was gone. My mate. My love. My Ozzy. He was gone. That asshole took the best thing to have ever happened to me. I suddenly felt like I was on fire as though I had been dipped in a vat of liquid silver. I let out a scream.

Maya's POV (Blair's mom)

I was busy helping some warriors when I heard a scream. I ran towards where I heard it and I saw Blair on the floor next to a pool of blood squirming with tears running down her face she looked to be in pain but she had no injuries. I ran towards her and was glad to realise that the blood was just a rogues blood I lifted Blair's head and placed it into my lap trying to soothe her, my mate came up next to me with the others not far behind. He picked up a note I hadn't even noticed. I looked at him waiting for a summary of the note.

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