Chapter Four

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When I woke up a beautiful girl was in my face, "You're awake."

I tried to get up, "You shouldn't do that."

I nodded, "Jake, where is he?"

"He's in the infirmary, that stab wound was pretty bad."

Now, this wasn't the girl I saw Before I fainted. The girl I saw was short and skinny. She had light tan skin with almond color eyes and brown hair. This girl was around 5'7 she looked around 20, she had vivid blue eyes, short light brown hair. I noticed her lips move. "Huh?"

"Can you remember your name?"

"Oh- yeah sorry, my name is Kai."

She smiled then frowned, "Ah yes, Kai Zhang."

"How did you-?"

"Not important."

I nodded, "So, what wrong with me?"

"Nothing really, your leg is broken though. We gave you all the nectar and ambrosia we could but thats all we could do." I nodded, "You'll be healing very slowly. I don't know why though."

"Okay, Uh, did you call my parents?"

"A friend of mine did. They'll both be on there way as soon as they can be here. San Fransico is kinda far from New York, It'll take them a few days." She smiled, "Now don't give me that face, So, I have a question." I looked up, "Why the hell were you in New york."

"I and my friend were on I guess, a job or quest. It doesn't matter." She nodded, "We were getting ready to set up camp when I don't know." She nodded, "I looked away, and next thing I know Jake is on the ground."


I thought back to jake, "Now, how is Jack."

She looked down. "The wound was really bad Kai, We don't know if he'll-"

I cut her off, "Don't say it, please."

She nodded, "You should rest," Before she could say anything else two heads popped in the cabin. It was the pretty girl, and what looked like a friend. "Valeria, what are you doing here?" She didn't say anything just looked down. When she saw the other girl her eyes widen. She turned around and mumbled something before leaving.

"That was weird."

"Don't worry, that happens a lot when I'm around," A short girl with blond curly hair, and beautiful green eyes spoke, "I'm Zoe, this is my cabin."

"Oh, I'm so sorry."

"Don't worry, I'm just glad to know you didn't die."

I flinched at the word, die.

I've had this fear of dying for about a year or so. My brother went missing on an important quest. Changed my family's life. I became an only child and my parents, well, they didn't let me out of their sight. And when they did it was pretty rare. This was my first time being away from them. Gods they were never going to leave me alone now. I have this fear that my brother is, gone. They searched for him or his, body for, months but nothing.

I thought back to the nurse girl, I never got her name. I was too much in my thoughts to ask for it. My thoughts were interrupted by a boom. The ground shook for a second, it felt like minutes though.

"Are you guys okay?"

"Yeah, I'm alright."


I looked at them, "That was so weird."

Zoe nodded, "Yeah it was. Thats never happen before."

"How do you know that?"

"I've lived here all my life. Thats never happen, I'd think I would remember it if it did."

The two girls walked outside, their eyes widened. Valeria dropped to her knees covering her mouth. Zoe looked like she had seen a ghost.

I grabbed on what I could and yeeted myself towards them.

The tree that protected the camp, well, it now laid on the ground.

"My gods."

"Camps," a speaker roared across the camp and into the woods. "Please evacuate the camp and go to the evacuation spot."

Tons of people ranging from 4 to 25 ran to the beach. Some carried boats while others carried supplies. Some helped with the injured while, a small group helped with children under the age of 4. Zoe looked back into her cabin. She grabbed a bag and filled a few personal things, well, thats what I'm guessing. We heard a screeched.

"What the hell?"

"Should we check it out?"

Zoe looked at me, "Check it out? Thats how people die in scary movies. We should just go to the evacuation spot."

Valeria looked at Zoe, "Someone could be hurt. We should check it out."

"I agree." I honestly would agree with anything Valeria would say, did I just think that? Oh, my gods...

Zoe signed, "Fine, but if anything goes wrong you're on your own."

We nodded, we headed to where the tree fell. Under the tree laid a dragon.

"Peleus!" Zoe yelled running to his side. "Are you okay?"

Only having known her for a few hours this is the most emotion I've seen her use.

She started to cry, "Peleus, what can I do to help you?"

I was leaning on a tree, I was finally halfway to normal, my leg still ached.

"What are you guys doing here?!"

I wish we ran in that moment, but as you guys know, life isn't that easy.

A/N: Hello guys! How are you guys? I'm stress, cry myself to sleep. I'm sorry. Well, I hope you liked this week's chapter, next week there will not be a chapter, well, I'm not planning on one. I will be posting still. I hope you all day/night.

Peleus- The friendly dragon who guards Camp Half-blood and the golden fleece. He and Zoe have bounded during Zoe's life. For a while, he was the only thing she could trust. That changes after she

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