Chapter Eleven

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Ameila Grace

The quest was simple. Find out what was the cause of recent earthquakes. Thats it, after that we come home and just enjoy life. We were children, i thought children didn't die... Boy was I wrong.

"All you need to do is find the cause of the Earth Quakes and then travel through the labyrinth back. It's a very simple quest."

I nodded, "Don't worry uncle Frank! We can do it!"

"Yeah dad, that sounds pretty simple."

Frank smiled, "I know. It should take around two weeks. Send a message if anything goes wrong."

We nodded, I mean. This quest was going to be so easy! After two days of prep, we left. In no time we were already in Greece.

"You know the strange thing."

"What?" Sammy replied

"Why didn't they give this quest to the Greek camp."

"Who knows."

After three days of searching for clues we finally thought we got a lead. We could have left then and let the adults handle the rest. It was my fault that we didn't. I was so sick of living in the shadow of my family.

"Come on Sammy!"

"No, it's too dangerous!"

"Please, it's simple. We just go down there. I mean if anything goes wrong you could shape into an animal or something and save up! Please! Pretty please."

He sighed, "Fine, but if anything goes wrong we're out."

"Yes! Deal!" I kissed him on the cheek, "Thank you! Thank you!"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever."

We started going down the stairs, they were thousands of years old. It's weird to think about that. Maybe millions of people have walked these steps. Our feet are touching their feet. I laughed out loud, "This is so-"

The ground started to shake, "What the hell?" Sammy looked at me, "We have to leave!"

"What!? I can't hear you." I couldn't hear him. The ground then collapses along with the roof. At that moment I thought we had died. I felt dead, which was a weird thing. I opened my eyes. Debree was everywhere. I tried to talk but couldn't. 'What the-'

A beautiful face then appeared in front of me, "Why hello there," she was drinking something. Water I think


"How's life, Amelia. Well, death."

'I'm dead?'

"Yep! Along with that friend of yours, what was his name? Samual? Samantha?"


"Yes! Sammy. Yeah, he's dead."

I wanted to but couldn't cry, "W-who are you?"

She laughed, "I'm Amphitrite."

Oh shit-

"You-You are?"

"Yes, i am." She looked me in the eyes, "Does that bother you?"

I shook my head, "No, it doesn't."

"My dear, I have a request for you, let's make a deal."

"What kind of deal?"

"You help me take over the world and overthrown the gods and I'll bring back your dear boyfriend."

"No way!"

"Are you sure? You'll be of quite some help, and after I win then you and that boy- Sammy can live together, forever."


"Yes, forever."

"Um, okay, deal."

Current time

I looked at pictures. One of Sammy, my Sammy. Another one of Jessie and my siblings. And the Jacksons... my parents.. and the seven.

'I'm so sorry Sammy. But I need you to know that I'm doing this for you!' I graze my hand over the picture, 'We'll be together forever, I promise."


I looked and saw Nial, "Yeah?"

"Its time to go. The kids are here."

I smiled, "For Sammy.."

A/N: I thought Delphin was like a talking Dolfin.

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