1. Auradon prep

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Mal pov:
"Ughh... Do I have to go?" I said.
My mother nodded.
"Go there and break the barrier."
"Yea, while turning into a pink princes! I'm not stupid!"
"Oh really?"
I sighed.
"And what if I can't break the barrier?"
"Then you're not longer my daughter."
"Just go already!"
"I'm not going to that rainbow place!"

And guess where I am now?
In the limo with my three friend on our way to Auradon.
I sighed.
"Still thinking about him?" Evie asked.
"E!" I said.
Carlos and Jay looked at me.
"Him?" Jay said.
"Yea, who is he?" Carlos asked.
I rolled my eyes.
"But I thought-" Evie said and lucky for her, she didn't finish her sentance.
"Who could he be...?" Jay said softly.

We arrived at Auradon a few minutes later.
"Ughh... This place is even worse then I thought..." I said.
There was this prince dude looking at me.
"Well that made an impression..." Evie said while grinning.
"I'm Ben-"
"Prince Benjamin. Future king." said that barbie doll next to him.
"Oh en who the hell might you be?" I said.
"I'm Audrey. Aurora's daughter. You must be Malificent's daughter, right?"
"Not scared that I'll curse you just like my mom did with your mom?"
"Oh, that's funny. I think we can be friends." she said sarcastic.
"Yea, toads!" I said on the same way.
We shared a fake laugh and Ben smiled.
"So, you must be Mal?" he asked and I nodded.
"I'm Evie and that's Jay and the short one is Carlos." Evie said and I rolled my eyes.
"Well, I should give you guys a tour here in Auradon prep and then I'll show you your dorms." Ben said.
"Dorms? Like living in the school?" I said.
"Is there a problem?" Ben asked.
"It's just way different that back home."
"This is your home now."
"Trust me. It's not."
Ben swallowed and we walked into the school.
Boring classrooms. The cafetaria was boring. Oh and guess what?
Our dorm room (me and Evie share a room) is pink!
Why the hell is it pink?!
I closed the courtants.
Way to much light.
"So... Are you sure that you're not thinking about H-"
"Say his name and I'll ruin all of your clothes."
"Okay, sorry. But... Do you still think of him."
I sighed.
"How could I not?"
"I knew it!"
"Well great! Because I'll never see him ever again!"
"You don't know that..."
"Oh please! It's not like I can go back the Isle!"
"No need. Mabey Ben can bring him here?"
"I can't do that to him. He would hate it here. Just like I do."
"Don't 'M' me right now. I'm going for a walk."

And a few seconds later, I was walking outside.
"Hey Mal!" someone said and I turned around.
"Ben." I said and I started to ealk again.
"Wait up, I need to ask you something."
"What is it?"
"Do you guys like it here for now?"
"It's really different..." I muttered and I looked towards the isle.
"I bet you miss your family..." Ben said.
"I don't miss my mother."
"What about your dad?"
"Screw him."
"I don't have siblings."
"Friends? Boyfri-"
"My friends are here. And there isn't such thing as love on the isle..."
"You don't sound confident about that."
"Why would you care? You took me away from my home!"
"I didn't mean it like that."
"Did you even think this through? I don't want to be here. I never wanted to."
"Mal, I'm sorry. I wanted to help..."
"Help?! Help?! Taking people away from their home isn't helping!"
"Leave me alone."
"I said no."
"You've got to be kidding me."
"I gave you guys a chance for a normal life."
"Normal? Normal?! You think that this is ever going to be normal for us?! My normal is different then yours!"
"Then tell me."
"Why don't you just send me home. Back to the isle."
"Is that really what you want?"
"Because there is..."
I sighed.
"No, tell me." Ben said.
"There is someone who's important to me. Unable to live without him."
"Your boyfriend?"
"I told you that there is no love on the isle! But please, let me return to him..."
"I'm not telling you."
"Leave me alone."
"If you tell me his name... I could do something."
"If you bring him to this hell, I'll kill you myself."
Ben sighed.
"Just give this place a chance."
"How? I can't do stuff like this without Harry..."
"Yes! You said his name!"
"Dang it! Don't you dare bringing him here!"
"Why not?"
"He's going to hate it here just like me."
"Give it a chance."
"Get lost!"
And I ran off.

Unbelievable that I told him about Harry! Ughh...
"Hey Mal!" and I turned again.
"What now Ben- oh Evie. It's you. Sorry..."
"It's fine. What were you and Ben talking about?"
"It's not important."
"Oh really?"
"What do you mean?"
"Ben asked me about Harry."
I grabbed Evie by her collar.
"What did you say?!"
"Relax. I only asked if he meant Harry Hook..."
"You did what?!"
"What? He could also meant that other Harry, that Harrold."
I pushed Evie away and trust me, I was pissed!

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