27. Terrified

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Mal pov:
Harry and I sat in the waitingroom in the hospital.
Harry was clearly really nervous, his hands were shaking a lot.
"Stop that, you're making me nervous too." I said.
He looked at me.
"Sorry... I just..."
"It's okay to be scared."
He sighed and he tried to make his hands stop shaking, it didn't work.
I put my hand on his arm.
"Don't be nervous. I'm sure that it will be okay."
"Easier said then done..."
A nurse came in the room.
"Harry Hook?" she asked.
And Harry looked up.
"Y- Yea?"
"Follow me please, your girlfriend can come too."
We stood up and followed her.
Harry was so terrified, but can you blame him?
I was scared too...
We sat in a different room.
The nurse sat behind her desk in front of us.
"I'm mrs. Gina. I'm going to tell you two about the traject and if you have questions, you can ask me."
I took Harry's hand and he looked at me shortly.
Man he was so nervous...
"So this is what we already know. You have cancer because of someone who did the plasma in your IV. We think that it's not that much but we have to make some sort of scan for that. You're lucky that we found out so soon because then it's easier to treat it." Gina said.
"Sort of scan?" Harry asked.
"Yes, it's not really something special. But we can see with the scan where and how much cancer is in your body."
Harry nodded.
"So what's next after the scan?" I asked.
"Then we'll be able to start treating it. But when we did the first treatment, we need to check the next week if it's really working. If not, we'll try something else. Because there are a lot of ways for this."
"How long does it take? To get all the cancer out of me?" Harry asked.
"Depends on how your body and the cancer is responding to the treatment. But the cancer inside of you in in the beginning fase, so my best guess is... Three to four months."
"Three to four months!? But the other nurse said two to three months..."
"Harry, calm down..." I said softly.
He sighed and his hands were still shaking.
"It will be fine Harry..." I whispered.
"It's okay when you're nervous or terrified. A lot of people are when they walk through that door." Gina said and Harry swallowed.
"One other thing." I said.
"There is one thing he is worrying about too... The hair losing thing?"
Harry looked at me with a little fear.
"Right, for some people that can be hard too. That is probably going to start after four to five weeks."
"That's fast..." Harry muttered.
"There are also a lot of people who're afraid for the moment to come that they already shave their head."
"She isn't saying that you should do that!" I said quickly.
Harry was now even more nervous... Great...

Ben pov
I was at the house by the lake.
"Please be home..." I whispered.
I knocked on the door and Wendy opened.
"King Ben? What are you doing here?"
"You put that stuff in Harry's IV didn't you?"
"Why do you ask?"
"You're not ansering."
"Neither are you."
"I asked first."
"Fine. I did."
"He nearly died."
"To bad he didn't. A good thing though."
"What do you mean?"
"I put nurtiliser in it and cancer plasma, the second thing in case he'd survive."
"You did what?!"
"You heared me."
"I'll let them arrest you! You're even worse then the villain kids!"
"You can't prove anything. Because of the amount of nutriliser, Harry wouldn't be able to remember it."
"I'll find a way to get you behind bars!"
"Good luck with that. He is just like his dad, why not taking him out now?"
She slammed the door and I took my phone and texted Mal.
"Hey, I found out something about the thing that Wendy did." I sended.
"We already know. G2g." was the response.
I ran back to the palace.
I need to find prove about the fact that Wendy did this to Harry!

Harry pov:
I was done with the scan.
Mal and I were back at the waitingroom because we needed to wait for the scan results...
Mal took my hand.
"It's going to be okay..."
I sighed.
I was scared. Afraid. Terrified!
Who knows what happens next?
Gina walked to us.
"We have the results. Come with me please."
And we followed her.
But each step got heavier then the last. I was so terrified...
Mabey it was better to get the hell out of here?
Gina looked at us.
"So this is it basically. It's not that much cancer but it's almost everywhere. It arrived in your arm but in your veins so it is in your blood and got everywhere."
"No..." I whispered.
Mal sqeazed my had softly and Gina looked at me.
"We could start the treatment now if you want to?"
"Right now?" I asked suprised and terrified.
"Perhaps we should fetch you some clothes if you're gonna be here for three to four weeks. And telling your sisters about this?" Mal said.
Gina nodded.
"That could be handy. But be back before 5pm. Other wise we'll start tomorrow morning."
I nodded.
Damm... Starting today...

We texted the others and we were going to meet at the dorms.
"Well that's a real rollercoaster..." Jay said.
"Yea..." I muttered.
Mal looked at Ben.
"Do you have the remite of the barrier? Then Harty and I can tell his sisters about this..."
"Yes, I have it here like you asked me."
"Thank you."
"But how long is all of this going to take?" Carlos asked.
"Probably three to four months... Mabey even more..." I said.
"That sucks man..." Ben said.
"Hey Ben, did you found any prove about that Wendy girl yet?" Evie asked.
"No not yet. But there has to be something..."
Mal looked at me.
"It's 3pm. Two hours left. We should go to the isle."
I nodded.
"Getting there wil be easier." Mal said and her eyes turned green.
"By the power of the sea bring us to the people where we need to be." she said.

We arrived at the Hook house and Hartiette looked up.
"Where the hell did you two came from?!" she said.
"Is Cj here too?" I asked.
"Yea upstairs, why?"
"Get her please..." Mal said.

So there we were. The four of us.
"What's going on?" Cj asked.
"Do you want to tell them or should I...?" Mal asked.
"Do you remember that Wendy girl, friend of Peter Pan were dad fought against?" I asked.
Cj and Harriette nodded.
"What has that to do with this?" Harriette asked.
"She put something in my IV." I said.
"Something?" Cj asked.
"It's... eh..."
"Cancer." Mal said.
"I was going to say it!" I said.
"Hold up. You have cancer now?" Harriette asked.
Mal and Iexplained everything we knew by now.
"Jeez..." Cj said.
"Damm little brother..." Harriette said.
"Yea, I know... probably the reason why I'm so terrified..."
Mal looked at her phone.
"Harry, it's 4.15 pm. We should head back..."
Cj hugged me tight.
"Easy..." I said and I wraped my arms around her.
"It'll be okay. Really." Mal said and Harriette nodded.
"They need a lot to take you out of the game."
I grinned shortly.
Cj let me go and we went back to Auradon.

We packeb my bag and we went back to the hospital...
I was so scared for what was coming. I mean what kind of treatments were there?
Mal took my hand.
"Come, Gina is probably waiting for us."
"Yea... I guess..."

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