3. First day

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Mal pov:
Today we had our first classes.
Not that I was wanting to take those classes but mabey it's not that bad...
So the five of us had classes together.
Carlos and Jay took seats next to each other. Evie and Harry both sat at different rows...
Be smart... Just take a seat next to Evie.
And so I did.
Harry looked dissepointed though...
Fairy godmother was going to teach us stuff.
"So I'm fairy godmother. I'll be teaching you for now. We'll be starting with goodnes class."
I rolled my eyes and stsrted to draw in my notebook.
"Question one. If you find s crying baby, will you; A, Curse it. B, lock it in a tower. C, give it a bottle."
Evie raised her hand.
"What was the second option again?"
"Mal, don't you know it?"
"C, give it a bottle."
"How did you knew?" Carlos asked.
"I told you this is easy." I said.
I saw that Harry was smirking and I grinned.
"Okay, when you find a bottle of poison, will you; A, put it in the king's wine. B, give it to experts. C, paint it on an apple."
Carlos raised his hand.
Jay raised his hand.
"Why not C? That's what Evie's mother used to do."
"Mal, why don't you try it?" fairy godmother said.
"B, give it to experts."
"Good job."
"You're on fire girl." Carlos said.
"Last question, then we'll go to the next subject. If you see an old women crossing the street, will you; A, push her out of the way. B, help her crossing the street. C, make sure she get's hit by a car."
Evie raised her hand but Fairy godmother looked at Harry.
"Why don't you try? You haven't said anything yet."
"Mabey because I don't care?"
Carlos grinned.
"Well make a guess." FGM said.
"Fine... B, help her cross the street."
"What? I thought A..." Jay said.
I grinned.
"Guys, just pick the one which isn't fun."
"Exactly." Harry said.
Evie looked at her book.
"That's so clever..." she said softly.
I rolled my eyes and I continued drawing.

Harry pov:
So now we had a break.
"Mal, will you wait a second please?" Fairy idiot said.
"What is it?" Mal asked and I stood by the door.
"Your art is so beautyfull. Why don't you go to Tangled's art classes?"
"Art classes? Why make something fun something boring."
"I'm sure you would be her best student."
"Mabey she only has bad students."
I grinned and Mal looked at me for a fee seconds.
"Fairy godmother, can I go now?" Mal asked.
"Yes, but think about it."
Mal nodded and walked to me.
"You think that was funny?"
"Sorry... But you love art."
"Yea and I hate classes."
I grinned.
"So you were on fire during lesson."
"And you obviously knew why."
"When it's no fun, it's correct. I figured out when you kept picking the boring ones."
"You're kidding..."
"Okay, why are you pissed?"
"I'm not pissed."
"You are. It's kinda obvious."
"I'm just mad at Ben. He took us here without thinking of the things we left behind."
"You're kidding... My two sisters..."
"My crazy mother..."
"Yea... Mabey not Ben's best idea."
"You'd think?"
So Mal went to Evie and I sighed.
"Okay, she was right. This is terrible."
"Who are you?" a damm high voice asked.
"Why do you ask?"
"I'm prince Ben's girlfriend, Audrey."
"I want to know who you are?"
"And why do you want to know that?"
"Because you're wearing a weapon."
"Your hook."
"That's not a weapon!"
"Oh really? It's sharp and you could kill someone with it."
"Trust me princes, don't mess with my or my hook."
"No need. I'm going to tell Fairy godmother. She'll know what to do."
"You bitch! This thing was from my damm father!"
"Oh boohoo... Then it's obvious. Harry Hook son of Captain Hook."
"No shit sherlock."
I wanted to walk away but I also wanted to hit that girl. If I was going to lose my hook, then she was going to lose her face!

Ben pov:
I was going to talk to Fairy godmother about the five VK's.
Because I was curious how they were doing during the classes.
"Fairy godmother, may I have a word?"
"Prince Ben, ofcourse."
"How are the five VK's during your lessons?"
"They are doing their best... Only Mal and Harry succeed to awnser questions correct."
"Okay, that's at least some progress."
"It is. And I told Mal that she should join Tangled's art classes."
"Really? Why?"
"Her drawings in her notebooks are so detailed. I thought it would be good to let her free her inner artist."
"I heared that she did a lot of graffity art on the isle."
"That's possible."
"I should go now. Or else I'm going to miss my own classes."
"Indeed. I'm going to prepare for the next lessons with the VK's."
"Fairy godmother!" Audrey yelled when she came in.
"Audrey, dear. What is going on?"
"That VK guy is wearing a weapon with him!"
"Which one of the three?"
"That pirate!"
"Audrey, Harry isn't wearing his sword." I said.
"What about his hook?! That's a weapon too!"
"She has a point." Fairy godmother said.
"I'll talkt to him." I said.
I knew that his hook meant a lot to him. That was obvious so this was going to be tricky...

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