11. Nearly dead

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Harry pov:
Ughh... Not again...
I saw those Auradon guards and I hid in the shadows.
"What do they want this time...?" I whipered.
I didn't thought they saw me at first.
Until Gil stood next to me.
"Hey Harry why are you hiding?" he said out loud.
The guards heard him and they took me along, again.
"Thanks a lot Gil. You idiot." I said.

"Why do you want me in Auradon again?" I asked to kne of the guards.
"Trust me. You'll be gone soon." and they both grinnen.
'You'll be gone?' As in gone as in dead?!
Oh crap!
I tried to get myself free but those two guys were stonger.
"Harry!" Cj yelled when she saw that those guards took me along.
"Cj! Go to Harriette, now."
"Why are you going to Auradon again?"
"Just go to our older sister. Trust me."
Cj nodded and ran off.
'I love you little sis.' I thought.
If they were really going to kill me, I wish that I told her.
I mean ofcourse I love her, she is my little damm sister!

They tied me up when we arrived in Auradon.
I saw Ben, Evie, Jay and Carlos talking but Mal was nowhere to be seen...
They wouldn't acctually murder me, right?
They're the good guys... They wouldn't...
But the way Beast and that blond guy where looking said enough.
I would be dead in a few minutes...
Oh crap!
I saw in the corner of my eye that Mal ran to Evie.
"What the hell is going on?" she said and we locked eyes for a few moments.
"Mal, we have a plan. Don't worry." Evie said.
"Don't worry? They're about to kill him!"
"Mal, trust us." Carlos said.
"Mal, this isn't what I wanted to happen and I'll fix it. I promise." Ben said and now I really wanted to punch him!

So boldy locks was staning a fee feet away with a gun in his hand.
I don't want to admit it, but I was terrified!
Beast couldn't wait to have me dead, that was obvious.
Ben looked at me with a guilty look and my ghost would take revange on him once I was dead.
The core four were talking quickly. Hopefully their plan would work...
"This is for our comunity." Beast said.
I closed my eyes in fear and heard the shot.

Mal pov:
People all went to the center of the town. Art class was over, it was kinda fun. But I got sick of my blond hair...
But wait-
Harry was tied up to a pole!
I saw Ben, Evie, Jay and Carlos talking and they were in a hurry.
Why was Harry tied up?!
"What the hell is going on?" I said and I locked eyes with Harry for a few moments.
"Mal, we have a plan. Don't worry." Evie said.
"Don't worry? They're about to kill him!"
"Mal, trust us." Carlos said.
"Mal, this isn't what I wanted to happen and I'll fix it. I promise." Ben said.
What do you mean? John Smith is pointing a gun at Harry?!" I yelled in panic.
"This is for our comunity." Beast said.
I ran to Harry, John pulled the trigger and I used my magic to stop the bullet just before it hit Harry.
"Is that really your plan?! Killing people!" I yelled once I dropper the bullet on the ground.
Harry slowly opend his eyes.
"Yiu saved my life..."
"Yes, ofcourse!"
"Then kill them both." Beast said and John pointed his gun on me.
"Mal get out of here!" Harry said.
"John, is that really what you want? Killing people who always grew up like this? With evil? We just don't know better. Or did you acctually thought that we VK's learned how to behave? Well... we did, but on the Evil way. You can't expect us to change, at least not that fast! And you can't expect people to change their feelings too, Ben..."
"What are you waiting for? Kill them!" Beast said.
"Don't!" Evie yelled and she ran to us.
"You can't kill people just like that!" Jay said and Carlos nodded.
There we stood.
The five VK's and one of them was tied up.
John sighed and lowered his gun.
"Then I'll do it myself." Beast said and he took the gun.
"Dad don't!" Ben said and he stood in front of his father.
"Get out of the way."
"Not a chance."

Ben pov:
So this was probably how Harry was feeling... Terified...
My dad held the gun.
"I said get out of the way!"
"And I said no! We're supposed to be the good guys, dad! What's the good thing about killing people?!"
"They're bad people!"
"They aren't! Jay is a star player in our tourney team. Carlos is the best dog friend and computer nerd I ever met. Evie's fashion is populair by the girls. Mal's art is amazing and people are interested in that!"
"And yet you don't say a thing about the Hook guy."
"Because I wasn't finished. I got him here in the first place because Mal said that he eas important to her snd that she couldn't live without him. I should've knew what she meant. Yea, I fell in love with her and yea, I got jealous. That was the only reason I sended him back! I was a jerk! But I will not be the reason that he'll be killed."
"Oh please! You're never jealous!"
"That's not true. He's speaking the truth. Harry and Ben both liked me. They were jealous of each other when one of them was around me." Mal said.
"Dad, don't kill them."
"Go away."
"Dad, don't be a beast!" I yelled and the whole crowd got quiet.
Mal held her breath and the five of them were terrified, just like me.
I sighed.
"Drop the gun, dad."
"We need to protect our citizens."
"They are our citizens too! They are also a part of Auradon! They aren't just VK's. Besides that they're VK's doesn't mean that they're villains!"
"How do you know all that?"
"Because dad... Because they are the best people I even met. They are their selves instead of being like everyone else! They stand out for what they want and who they are!"
"Listen to your son, Adam... This isn't right." my mom said and I looked at my dad.
"Please dad...?"

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