10. Hard life

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Mal pov:
What if Evie was right?
A few weeks and then we break the barrier.
No! I can't do that... Think about Harry, if he would find out... He'd be so mad...
Evie walked in our room and she looked at me.
"Are you okay?"
"I'm going to do a part of your plan. I can't date Ben but that doesn't mean that I can't convince him."
"What's your plan?"
"Fitting in and... Ugghh... Be like an AK..."
"Woa, are you sick? That's something you would never do!"
"I know E. But I have to. For the other VK's... For Harry..."
Evie half hugged me and I took out my spellbook.
"I hope it works..." I muttered and I searched for a specific spell.
Evie raided an eyebrow.
"What are you searching for?"
I found the spell and I looked in the mirror.
"Beware for swear, turn this purple into blond hair."
And I had blond hair.
"Wow Mal... That looks so not you but still so beautifull!"
"Yea yea. I'm already sick of it."
Evie grinned.
"It looks great."
"No it doesn't. Ughh... I want purple back already. This isn't me!"
Evie looked at me.
"Well, your plan will work. I'm sure of it. But Ben wants to see you and there are journalists around."
"Ughh... Really? Now?"
"Just get going."

So Ben and I were surrounded by journalists.
"Wow..." Ben said when he saw me and the camera's turned to me.
"Hey Ben. You wanted to see me?"
"Your hair... It's beautifull."
"Thank you. I'm sorry for yesterday. I realised that I should focus on fiting in instead of standing out."
"Yes ofcourse."
"Why did you want to meet me here?"
"Because your art style is so great that I wanted to show you something."
"What is it?"
"It's a suprise. Do you trust me?"
He held out his hand. I could take his hand or just not.
I sighed and took his hand and closed my eyes.

We stopped walking few moments later.
"Here we are. Open your eyes." Ben said and so I did.
"Woa... What is this place?"
"Your art house. Like Evie's fashion house but then yours with your art."
"Ben, this is so cool!"
Wait, keep the plan. Not to much!
"You think?"
"Yes. It's great. Why'd you do this for me?"
"Because I wanted to appologise."
"No, I should appologise. I've been mean since I got here. You were right. I should've been greatfull."
"Where does all this came from?"
"I was thinking. And I realised a lot. I don't forgive you from what you did to my closest friend but I want to be friends."
Ben smiled and the journalists left.
"Finally." I said.
"So when did you change your hair?"
"Not important."
We walked inside and there was spray paint everywhere!
I grabbed a paint can and looked at Ben.
"But how do you know that I won't spray paint the buildings around?"
"Because that's why you got this place. You're allowed to do anything to this place."
"Woa... Really?"
"Yes ofcourse." Ben said.
I trew a can at him.
"Wanna join me?"
"I don't see why not."
I grinned and we started to work on the first painting on the wall together.

Harry pov:
Holy damm...
Mal changed a lot in a day.
Her hair was... not purple anymore and it was weird. Not ugly or something. But just... Not like Mal.
Something was going on...
Mal got her dream place of Ben so now I knew for sure.
I lost her to that massive jerk!
I sighed and walked away from that screen, before I punch it again...
What if Mal knew that I was here? And what if she didn't care? I mean... It was like she acctually liked Ben and the way how he did...
Like she changed... For him.
I needed to do something but what? It was no use... I would lose her to beasty boy anyway...
I should make my round... To steal stuff...

Today went better then yesterday.
I stole 125 gold pieces, some golden items from Jafar's shop and I got Treamine's diamons ring.
Dizzy looked at me.
"If grama finds out she'll murder me!"
"Not my problem."
"Harry, please. I'll give you something else. Just... Don't take that ring."
Dizzy looked like she would cry any moment by now. Normal wise, I would laugh but it felt weird.
"Fine. What do you've got?"
"Perhaps this necklace? Grama said that it was made of two cristals. A purple orb and a red ruby."
It was shaped like the yin and yan thing.
I gave Dizzy that ring back.
"You just got yourself a deal. But don't tell anyone that you and I made a deal instead of-"
"Yea, I get it. Don't worry. I won't tell anyone that you're a big softy."
"I'm not!"
"Oh really?"
"Mabey a little. But don't tell anyone!"
"I promise."
Dizzy looked at that necklace.
"You should give it to Mal. She is the purple side with you in her heart. You're the dark red side with her in your heart."
When I looked at the necklace that way, I knew that Dizzy was right.
But I wasn't going to admit it.
"Sure whatever..."
Dizzy rolled her eyes.
"I should get going." I said and I left.

I gave Uma the gold but not the necklace. If I would see Mal again, I would give it to her. Just like I did with the dragon necklace. But I bought that one. Instead or stealing it.
I sighed.
At least Uma wasn't asking about the gold and stuff.

Ben pov:
So Mal and I made the Auradon prep logo with Malificent's flames around it. Like a mashup of me and Mal.
I looked at her.
"You made it look so easy."
"You're not so bad yourself."
"Was that a conpliment?"
"Don't get too excited. Those are rare."
"So I figured."
She smiled shortly.
"I should get going. Art classes are starting soon."
"I thought you didn't want to follow Tangled's art classes."
"I decided that I should try to fit in."
"Really? Since when?"
"Not important."
I roled my eyes and we went to school.
"I should go back to the palace for king stuff."
"Bye, Ben."

So I had this huge smile on my face when I arrived at the palace.
"Did you had a good day sir?" Lumière asked.
"Yea. It was okay."
"I saw the way how that girl looked at you."
"Pff. She... She likes someone else."
"Does she?"
Lumière smirked and I grinned.
"I should get stuff done."
"I'll leave you to it then."

I was not doing anything until my mom walked in.
"So what are you going to do?"
"What do you mean?"
"Are you keeping Harry Hook on the isle or are you going to be fair and get him back here?"
"You know dad likes seeing me fail with the VK's. Two flies at one shot."
"Yea, I know. I just don't know if both of them would forgive me..."
"They would once you fix this."
"Hey son! My friend John Smith here had a great idea!"
"John Smith? From princes Pocahontas?" I asked and John nodded.
"King Ben, once we gave the VK's a chance. They take it or throw it away. I have a plan for the failures."
I looked at my mom with concern.
This couldn't be good.
She had the same look and I swallowed.
"What plan exactly?" I asked, on a nervous way.
"An execution."
"What?!" my mom and I said at the same time.
"They had their chance and didn't change. So what's the point of keeping them on the isle?" my dad said.
I shoke my head.
"No, then we would be the villains. The monsters. The beasts. Those VK's only know evil because they grew up with it." I said.
My dad sighed.
"You're going to me king tomorrow. It's my decision now."
"Dad don't."
"Ben, this is better for everyone."
"Except for the VK's."
"We're not just rulers of Auradon. The isle is also our ground. We need to protect our people. Good or bad. They are our people."
"Ben, you need to ubderstand that this is the right thing."
"Not now Belle."
"Dad, you can't do this!" I yelled.
"Get that Hook guys back here. He'll get his price." my dad daid to the guards.
"No dad don't!"
"And why not?"
"Because he wasn't a failure!"
"I was jealous!"
"You? On pirate boy, don't make me laugh."
The guards left to get Harry and I knew that I had to do something.
"Shut up son. This is for the people of Auradon."
"Mom, you know this isn't the right thing!"
"When your dad wants something to happen. It will happen." my mom said with a sad voice.
"Not this time."
I ran outside.
"Evie, Carlos, Jay! I need your help! I messed up and-"
"Woa... Slow down." Evie said.
"What's going on?" Carlos asked.
"My dad thought that Harry was a failure of a VK and now they want to kill him."
"And why wiuld you care? No more comepetition for you right?" Jay said.
"I never wanted people to die. Just help me make sure that they won't kill him. Mal would never forgive me."
Those three looked at each other and nodded.
"For Mal and Harry." Evie said.

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