20. So...

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Mal pov:
"Harry, are you okay?" I asked.
"Why do... do you ask?"
"You look pale?"
"Perhaps I should've not pulled that thing out of my arm when I came after you..."
"Let's get you back inside." I whispered and he nodded.

Once we were back inside, Evie looked at Harry.
"That was incredibly foolish!"
"Give me the 'you-should-know-better' speach later..." Harry muttered.
One of the nurses helped him back in the hospital bed.
"Wait, you're Hook's son. Aren't you?"
"Should I know you?" Harry asked confused.
"Perhaps. I'm Wendy. A friend of Peter Pan."
Harry looked at her.
"Oh crap..."
"Don't worry. It's not like I think you're a enimy like your dad was."
"You don't...?"
"Ofcourse not. Why would I?"
I got a little scared of that Wendy girl...
"But since you pulled the IV out of your left arm, I need to put it in your right arm again..."
"Eh... Is that really neccesary? I- I'm fine though..."
I grinned and Wendy sighed.
"He's afraid of needles." I explained.
"I'm not!" Harry said.
"Then I don't see a problem here?" Wendy said.
Damm that girl is good.
Harry swallowed and I stood next to him.
"It'll be fine. Trust her."
He swallowed and Wendy put the IV in his arm.
"So, you two girls should be going. These two need their rest when they get a check up tomorrow."
Evie and I left and I sighed.
"Something wrong?" Evie asked.
"I don't know... I'm just glad that both of them are okay."
"Ofcourse they are."

Ben pov:
So... Great...
I lost my guts. Litterally.
I lost my dream girl. Again.
I lost my dignity. Officially.
I sighed.
"Pennt for your thoughts?" Harry asked.
He was back after last night.
"Oh. Just thinking about stuff..."
"What kind of?"
"The stuff that happend yesterday."
"I still can't believe that all of that happend in ine day."
"Yea... I can relate."
I sighed.
I felt like a coward... Like a weak person...
"Are you okay?" Harry asked.
"For as far as I can be..."
"You don't have to feel stupid."
"That easy talk for you."
"Oh come on. I'm trying to be... How do you AK's call that... Nice?"
I looked at the window, I could see the isle...
"Don't you miss your sisters?" I asked.
"Everyday..." was Harry's anser.
"I'm sorry that I pulled you away from them..."
"Don't worry about it... Harriette will take care of Cj though..."
"I acctually want to break the barrier, you know... I just wish that the people of Auradon would see what I see."
"What do you see then?" Harry asked.
"I see people who're misunderstood. The people from the isle, including you and the core four, are also humans. They've been threaten like animals the past twenty years... I want to change that."
"Well... that's sertainly a goal..."
"I'm sorry that my dad locked you guys all up on the isle."
"It's not your fault."
"But I want to make things right."
"Yea, got that when you saved the lives from me and the core four."
"I can't be the king who'd let his people die."
"So that's what this is all about huh..."
"Just shut up already."

Harry pov:
I hate that guy.
I sighed.
"Can I return you penny for your thought?"
"No thanks."
"I didm't meant how I said it... It's not just about that. But you guys deserve freedom and a real life."
"Trust me. Things on the isle are pretty real. I thought you learned that by now."
I looked at the window too... The isle...
I wish that I'd never left the isle... My sisters... My home... I'm not an AK. I'll never be. I don't belong here. I just wish that Mal and Ben could see the same.
Mal is changing slowly and I wouldn't be suprised if she'd choose Ben after all...
I sighed.
I shouldn't be thinking lile this.
She's my girlfriend... But for how long...?
Okay, stop it!
Why am I thinking all of this? I trust Mal. As long as she's happy, I'm happy...
Although... If I could just talk to my sisters for a few moments...
"Promise me one thing." I said.
"What?" Ben asked.
"That you send me back once I'm healed up."
"Do you even hear what you're saying? Mal would be so upset once I'd do that."
"Promise me."
"I can't."
"Why not?!"
"Mal would hate me!"
"It's my choice. You can't force me to stay here!"
"Think about Mal-"
"I know Ben. But I have other people to think about too... You wouldn't understand. You don't have a little sister and you don't have an older sister! We have no clue where and who our mother is. Our father is dead and now you want to keep their brother away from them?!"
Ben didn't anser and I sighed.
"I'm sorry... I shouldn't-"
"I get it... But promise me that you'll talk to Mal first?"
I knew he was right though... Mal was going to be so mad and upset once she heared that I wanted to go back, without her... You can't split up the core four. And neither you should with the sea three.
I sighed.
"She'll be upset... won't she?" I asked.
"I think..." Ben said.
I didn't want to hurt Mal... But I need to be there for my only family left. My two sisters...
"She'll understand. Don't worry..." Ben said.
"That makes me worry even more." I said.

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