7. Holy shit!

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Ben pov:
Oh goblins!
"Mal!" Harry and I yelled.
"No!" Evie screamd, she just arrived with fairy godmother.
The dust cleared and there was this purple light.
"No way..." Jay said.
"Oh yea!" Carlos said.
"Wait what?" I was confused.
"A little help..." Mal's voice said.
"Mal made a force field around herself!" Harry said.
Carlos, Jay, Harry and I started to replace the rocks who layed on Mal's force field.

We were done a few moments later.
Mals force field faded and she was a little weaker then before.
Harry and I helped Mal up.
Mal leaned against Harry and he wrapped his arms around her.
"It's going to be okay, I promise." He said.
Mal nodded and we brought her to the hospital.

Mal pov:
Harry looked at me.
"You'll be fine."
And some nurses took me along.

So they did a cast around my leg so it would heal. They also did a check up because of the fact that I was in a collapsed cave.
Thing were normal so there was nothing to worry about.
But I needed to wait a few days before they let me out of the hospital.
Then a week in a wheelchair and then I needed to walk with crutches until my leg would be healed.
"So how are you?" someone asked and I looked up.
Harry stood by the door and I smiled.
He grinned.
"So now what?"
"A few days stuck here. Then a week or two in a wheelchair and the rest of the time with crutches until my leg is all healed."
"That's... surely something."
I grinned.
"But you were right."
"About what?"
"I'll be okay."
"Have I ever lied to you?"
"No and I'm probably the only person you never lied to."
"True. I almost always lie to people."
I rolled my eyes.
"Well looks like I won't leave the hospital vor two days... Yay..."
Yes, I was being sarcastic.
"I'm sure that you can get through."
"How do you know that?"
"Because nothing has ever stopped you before."
"Well that's true..."
Harry and I saw two people walking in the hallways and they kissed each other.
"What are they doing?" Harry asked.
"I think the people here call it kissing."
"Looks fun. Wanna try it?"
'Oh goblins. Kissing Harry?!' That was what I thought.
"Sure." I said as calm as I could.
Harry and I kissed and it was pretty great!
"Eh... Hey Mal..." Ben's voice said and Harry and I split up.
"Hey..." I said.
This was so awkward...
"I should go." Harry said and he left.
Ben looked at me.
"I didn't interrupt anything, did I?"
"No. Nothing..."
"Are you okay?"
"I've felt better."
"Yea... I'm so sorry that you fell in that cave. That thing was supposed to be filled up like a month ago."
"Yea... I'm sorry..."
"It's not your fault."
"It feels like it though..."
"It's not. I fell in it myself. Because I wasn't watching out."
"Just cut the crap Ben."
"What do you mean?"
"I know that you like me."
"Wha- How?"
"It's obvious."
"Don't even think about it though. Not after everything you've done. Taking me here without me wanting to. And bringing Harry here when I told you not to."
"Just get out of here already."
Ben sighed and left.
Then Evie came in.
"Why didn't you call?! I was so worried when Harry told me what was going on!"
"Woa... E, slow down. I couldn't call because my phone was in half! I really wanted to call, trust me."
"I was so worried when the cave collapsedde."
"It was scary though... If I didn't make the force field-"
"I don't want to think about that."
"I'm sorry."
"It's okay. I'm just really relieved that you're alive."
"Yea, me too."
"So we'll get you out of here tomorrow."
"Tomorrow? I thought they said I needed to stay two days?"
"Nope. One day was enough."
"Lucky. The sooner I'm out here, the better."
"You took a big risk though..."
"Oh come on!"
"Using your magic while being injured is dangerous."
"What was I supposed to do? Getting burden by rock because the cave collapsed."
"No ofcourse not!"
"Look, I get it that you were worried but I knew what I did."
"That can be but it was dangerous."
"Being stuck in a cave is dangerous."

Harry pov:
Well that was really awkward when Ben showed up...
Mal seemed really satisfied with that whole 'kiss' thing.
I still don't get what that whole kissing thing is about...
It felt weird though... But that good kind of weird. The feeling I have everytime Mal is around or when I'm thinking about her...
Wait- Why am I thinking about her all the time?
Damm... I really am in love with her...
I sighed and bumped into Evie.
"Sorry Harry." she said.
"It's fine."
"Really? You're not threating me with your hook?"
"Do you want me to?"
"Then there's your anser."
"What's wrong?"
"Why do you ask?"
"You're not as sharp as normal."
"I'm fine."
I shoke my head and walked away.
No one could find out that I like Mal.
That's just madness...
And besides. It's obvious that Ben likes Mal.
Why would she go out with a pirate when she can have the (future) king of Auradon.
I had no chance...
Ughh... This couldn't get any worse.
Guess who was standing in front of me? You're right. Ben.
"What do you want?"

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