4. Trouble in paradise

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Ben pov:
"Hey Harry, can we talk?" I asked after school.
"I won't throw out my hook."
"Ben, you got me here while I didn't want to. You did the same to Mal. The other three acctually like it here but Mal and I don't. And don't you dare of touching my hook. It's the only thing that I have left from my father."
"I didn't knew that... But-"
"Look. I won't injure people with it. I won't attack people. Okay?"
"Harry, this is Auradon. There are rules here."
"Is there one that could get me and Mal back to the isle?"
"Then I don't care."
"You have to listen."
"And why is that?!" Harry said with an angry voice.
"Because I'm the person who'd made sure you could be here with Mal."
"We don't belong here and you know it."
"I want to show them that VK's aren't bad!"
"So it's not even about us! You just want to prove your goddamm point!"
"Trust me when I say this, I'll return to the isle."
"No you won't. And your hook will be placed by Evie's magic mirror in the Auradon artifact museum."
"She gave that thing to you?"
"She said she didn't need it."
"And since you said that you won't use your hook, I don't see why you should keep it."
"I'm oy saying this once again. So listen carefully. No one will touch my hook!"
"No need. Just put it therw yourself."
"You're killing me. It's mine. For now and forever."
"Harry be reasonable. You can't keep it forever."
"You bet I can."

Harry pov:
That guy was getting on my nerves.
I got pissed.
It is my goddamm hook!
So I punched him in the face.
"That took you long enough." Mal said.
"Where did you came from?" I asked.
"I think you broke my nose..." Ben said.
Mal took my hand and I felt weird... But a happy weird...
"Come on, let's get out of here before his guards find out."

So after a short run we stopped.
"So what did you mean with 'that took you long enough' exactly?" I asked.
"I thought you would punch him already like six times or more."
I grinned for a moment.
"Hey... You don't think I'm getting much trouble because of the fact that I might broke that guy's nose?"
"He is going to be king next week. I don't know."
She looked at me with an evil smile.
"Perhaps they would take you in prison and shave your head."
"Oh ha-ha."
We shared a laugh but then I looked at her with a serious look.
"But you were kidding, right?"
"Yes, I was just teasing you."
I sighed with relieve and Mal laughed.
"You should've seen your face!" she said.
I grinned.
"Ha-ha. I'm dying of laughing."
But Mal slipped and I catched her.
"Nice refelxes." she said.
Our faces were only a few inches apart.
"It's stupid that I never saw how beautifull eyes you have." I said.
Mal's cheeks turned bright red.
"Ehh... Thanks?"
I let her go and she smiled.
"Have I ever told you that you're handsome?"
"You did now."
And I had that weird feeling again.
"This is awkward..." I said.
Mal nodded.
"See you later..." I said and I turned so  could walk away.
"Harry wait!"
"Don't let Ben get on your nerves again. You know that you'll never lose that hook."
"You know how AK's are."
"Just tell the sad story about your father. Then they won't say a damm thing about your hook."
"You think so?"
"I know so."
"Dang you..."
I grinned an Mal smiled.
"See you later Harry."
"Yea... see ya Mal."

Mal pov:
I don't know what this strange feeling is but it has something to do with Harry...
Not that it felt bad, it kinda made me happy...?
I just hoped that he wouldn't get in trouble with breaking Ben's nose.
I bumped into Carlos and he grinned.
"What are you thinking about? Or should I ask who?"
I rolled my eyes.
"What is it Carlos?"
He pointed behind me and I turned.
"My locker!"
Audrey smirked.
"I thought that you would like it in the original color."
"I did not paint it for nothing."
"To bad you're not even allowed to paint your locker."
"You bit-!"
"Hey girls." Ben said and I smiled.
"Hey Benny Boo." Audrey said.
"So you removed the paint of your locker?" Ben asked me.
"I did not." I said and Audrey grinned.
"I did. I thouhgt that people weren't allowed to paint their lockers."
I wanted to punch or curse that bitch so badly!

So Ben asked me out a fee minutes later.
Why the hell did he do that?!
And yes, I said no.
I (think that I) like Harry. How could I go out with Ben then!?
Ughh... It was obvious that Audrey was jealous about the fact that Ben asked me out.
I saw Harry and I could tell that he wasn't really happy.
What if he knew that Ben asked me out...? Ofcourse he would be upset because of that... Wait- What if he didn't knew that I said no to Ben?!
Oh my goblins...
I needed to talk to Harry as soon as possible!

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