33. Crap!

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Mal pov:
Okay, Harry and I hooked up last week. No big deal...
Oh who am I kidding?!
We didn't use a condom so I am kinda worried...
Not that I think that I'd be pregnant. I mean, I'm almost 17...
Someone knocked on my door.
"Hey M! Are you coming?" Evie's voice said.
Right, the barrier. She told me about that like a few hours after Harry left.
"Hey E! Yea, coming!"
I opend the door and Evie had a huge smile on her face.
"Ready to break the barrier?"
"Well duhuh!"
"But you acted weird when Harry left. But not like sad more like... Overwhelmed."
"Ha. Good joke..."
I hope she doesn't know that Harry and I hooked up.

But who cares? We went to the barrier and everyone was there.
Ben- No now I should say it right. King Ben, stood with fairy godmother on the balcony.
"Today will be going in the history books-"
"Oh please Ben, just break the barrier!" Carlos yelled with a smile.
Ben looked at me.
"Mal, will you break the barrier?"
"Me?!" I said.
Ben nodded and Evie smiled.
"What are you waiting for?"
I walked to Ben and the fairy godmother gave me the wand.
"Guys, come up here." I said and Jay, Carlos and Evie came next to me.
"To make the world a better place." I said.
"We have to do it face to face." The whole core four said.
The barier got broken and Evie hughed me tight (a little too tight).

Harry pov:
No way...
"The barrier is gone!" Uma said.
"Yes!" Cj yelled.
There was this white bridge thing appeared.
"What are we waiting for? Let's go!" I yelled and all of us ran over the bridge.

We all stopped when we arrived to the other side of the bridge.
"Hold up." Uma said and no one walked further.
Ben stood in front of us.
"Welcome to Auradon! The barrier is gone, forever."
"Yes!" Cj said again, I wrapped one arm around her and Ben grinned.

Everyone had fun that night and I walked to Mal.
"Hey stranger." she said.
"Hey yourself."
"So, the barrier is gone."
"It sertainly is, purple pixie."
"Stop calling me like that."
"Okay, love."
"Oh you're so dead."
She gave me a playfull punch and I grinned.
"I'm glad that you guys broke the barrier."
"I know right?"
Mal looked straight forward and sighed.
"Something wrong?" I asked.
"No ofcourse not!"
"You said that faster then Uma can swim."
Mal looked away.
"It's nothing..."
"It's nothing, really. Don't worry about it."
"You can tell me anything, you know that right?"
"Ughh... I said that it's nothing!"
Mal walked away and I looked at her leaving.
"What did I do this time?" I asked.
Evie saw Mal running off and she looked at me.
"What's up with her?"
"I have absolutly no idea..."
"Mabey, as her boyfriend, you should go atfer her."
"Oh. Right!"
And I ran after Mal (Uma was right, I am an idiot).

Ben pov:
It waa great to see al the VK's being happy because of the break down of the barrier.
Audrey walked to me.
"You acctually did it."
"Ofcourse. They deserve a chance. All of them."
"I'm happy that you finally made your plan reality."
"Me too."
"Hey, about the cheer competition next month... I can't be there. Can you help me finding a replacement?"
"Woa, you. Missing cheer competition? Something wrong?"
"It's not like me acctually win, Seabrook wins every years. And no, nothing is wrong. I'm just leaving in that week for a spa week with Flora, Fauna and Merryweather."
"Oh... I'll see if I can find someone...?"
"Thank you BennyBoo."
Audrey gave me a kiss and ran off.
That was... something.
I saw Mal walking, I could ask her...?
No. She hates cheering.
Oh who cares?

Mal looked at me.
"What do you want?"
"Hello to you too."
"It's fine. Can I ask you something?"
"Nothing is wrong!"
"That wasn't what I was going to ask."
"Then what were you going to ask?"
"Audrey is off to some spa thing next month and that's the same week as cheer competition and-"
"Do you acctually think that I'm going to wave pompons and all that stuff? No thanks."
"Mal, please think about it..."
She sighed.
"I'm not promising anything yet."
"So you'll think about it?"
"You can expect a 'no' so don't be too happy about it."
"Okay. Cool."
I walked away and Harry walked/ran to Mal.

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