Chapter 9 Mothers

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"Monique, I did as told... the guys just failed to do it" I said as I sat in the car outside the house.

I'm Courtney Spencer-Black, Julian's wife and Julianna's stepmother. I'm 36. And have two daughters April and Casey and I'm white/black, pretty, much mixed. Right now, I am currently pregnant for Julian but my ass in some big mess that I don't think I can get out of. Monique, Julian's baby mama set me up with him to take down his empire which was unsuccessful and now she's after Julianna. I tried my hardest to get out of this mess, but she keeps threatening my life and kids and I can't tell Julian ignorant ass what's going on after my soul intention in the first place. And Monique never gonna let me be if she doesn't get her daughter back, I don't even know why she's after her when she left her in the first place.

"Monique, you can't do that... I did as told... please?" I begged her over the phone.

"Fine, I will send the message and make sure he gets it... okay" I replied and hang up the phone.

I was not in the mood for her, she's been doing this to me for 3 years and she's still not successful because Julian is a smart-ass nigga. I don't know why she thinks he's stupid enough to fall for everything... Jamaican's always on their guard anyway.

I got out of the car and took out the grocery bags and headed inside to see April on her phone and Casey in the kitchen. I wanted nothing more but for them to be ok.

"Hey girls, can I talk to you both for a minute" I said as I walked to the kitchen where Casey was.

"What's wrong mom?" April asked me as she sat at, the island beside Casey.

"It's summer... do you'll have any plans?" I asked.

"Nothing really" Casey replied.

"What about you April?"

"Was gonna hang out with my friends until they head off to Cali for the rest of the summer, they're leaving in two days" she said paying attention to her phone.

"Why don't you both go?" I asked, hoping they would appreciate the opportunity.

"Mom! you serious?" April asked looking up from the phone.

"Yes. Why wouldn't I be?" I asked putting away the stuff in the bag.

"Because you never let us leave Atlanta unless it's a family trip" Casey said, and I turned and laughed.

"Well, it's time for you all to enjoy yourself. Now call your friends and go with them to California" I told them.

"Okay... thanks mom" they both said in sync and left the kitchen.

The further away from Atlanta they were, the better for me. I didn't have to worry much about them. I know Julian wouldn't let them get harm but if he knew I was a part of this shit I know he wouldn't care and not to mention Julianna bad tempered ass too, come to think of it she was a lot like her mother.

I was in the kitchen about to prepare dinner when I message appeared on my phone.

Mon: Get your ass at the motel now!!

Courtney: On my way.

I wasn't sure what she needed now. I just put the stuff away and headed out informing the girls that I would be back.

Monique Castillo

"Miss Castillo... someone downstairs for you" I heard the man at the front desk said.

"Who?" I replied. I made sure with every guest that came to me, he informed me a head so no one could come up on me unexpected.

"Said her name is Courtney" he replied.

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