Chapter 6 - Sacrifice

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Trigger Warning: This chapter contains rape and murder.


Geoff never came to our cabin that night, giving me ample time to peruse Thomas' journal for further discoveries. Under the category of Hunting, I found something a little unusual. It described a poisonous root that was ground down into a powder, mixed with human saliva and heated. Arrowheads were then dipped in the mixture. Thomas follows with a story of a day when the men prepared to hunt, they used these arrows to quickly kill their prey. It immediately paralyzes its victim and they die within seconds. This was how Abuto died, I couldn't be more positive. But why would he be murdered? I had not seen Njobo and Saberi use these hunting techniques. The next morning I inquired Njobo.

"Yes, many times I have hunted in this way. But then there is no challenge. If I will conquer an animal, we will fight equally."

"But have you killed anything in that manner since you have been in the forest with us? I have never seen you prepare your arrows."

"It has been forbidden."

"By whom?"

"The leader, your husband. We cannot prepare it. He wants no accidents this time."

"This time? What happened last time?"

"A Maasai boy came along. He was very strong and ran fast, so he was used for hunting and delivering messages. Another thought he was game and accidentally killed him."

"I have heard of this boy," I said remembering what people had told me at Madame Gravot's ball. "Did you know him?"

"No. This was what Ramsay told us."

"Njobo, I need you to keep a secret. Promise you will not tell anyone at all. Not even Saberi or Masisi."

"It will remain a secret," he promised.

"I believe Abuto was killed with one of these poisoned arrows. When I had finished painting, I tried to wake him, but he was dead and an arrow was in his thigh. Do you believe it to be a coincidence?"

"This is a great secret," his eyes were wide and I sensed no little anxiety in him.

"I do not know who shot the arrow and I do not know why I was not also murdered. There is danger and I need a friend who will look out for me. Can you keep this secret and be my friend?"

"But I must find the man that killed Abuto."

"The man who killed Abuto has probably killed other men. I am finding out many things, but very slowly. You must be patient as I must be. Please promise these things to me."

"Yes," he responded quietly.

"I have one more question." He looked as though more trouble and bad news were to be discovered. "Have you made this poison for anyone here?"

"No, but if you are in the forest long enough, you make it yourself."

"Do you know where Geoff is?" It seemed a strong possibility that Abuto knew too much about the death of Dr. Anderson and he became a threat to someone. But to whom was he a threat? Dr. Holkin, perhaps? I must remain on my guard.

"He will be in the forest with the BaBali for a while. No one follows him there. He drinks the sacred maramba and dreams of violence. Abuto said that was why the BaBali Priest wanted them to leave before." Abuto said something similar to me.

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