after the soccer game

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it's the next day. i wake up and got ready. i wore sweats today since i had a game today and i wanted to practice thru out the day.

i wore that ^ and so did devyn and dess just wore jeans and a shirt because she doesn't play soccer

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i wore that ^ and so did devyn and dess just wore jeans and a shirt because she doesn't play soccer.

y/n: hey you guys ready?
i ask them

dess: hold on wait a minuteeeeeee
she says pulling her phone out

y/n: *laughs* whatttttt?

dess: look how fineeee my bitch lookingggg 😍
she says hyping me up and recording me.

she puts the phone down and saved the video

y/n: *scoff* yea as if looks at you ma 😍😍😍

devyn comes in and she drives us to school.

devyn: hey y/n wanna practice for a little right now?

y/n: yea lemme just put my books in my locker!

i put my books in my locker and me and devyn walk up to alex and them

alex: you guys look very comfortable

we both laugh

y/n: we have a soccer game after school😂

carlos: oh shit that's right huh? we'll be there 😁
he says smiling

dess: yes, yes we will 😌

alex: ig i'll come
he says playfully

y/n: die
i say while laughing

skip to after school. you guys are chilling on the bleachers til it starts. you and devyn walk to to them and you lay down putting your head on alex's leg

alex: hey you guys ready for today?
he says looking down at me

y/n: eh kinda nervous but it's nothing new. just to let you guys know there's this girl jenna on our team and i don't like her what so ever. so if something happens today on the field please pull me away from her

alex: *laughs* of course dork

dess: why don't you like jenna? or whatever her name is

y/n: for starters she was very toxic towards my bestfriend in their relationship. and we got into a fight because she said something about my dad.

carlos: holy shit that was you?
he says so shocked

i laughed

y/n: yes it was😂

devyn; well shit you got hands for sure

we all laughed and talked til it was time for the game to start

alex: alr guysss go kick ass

me and devyn get up

y/n: i will 😁

carlos: not jennas tho😭😂

i laughed again

y/n: shut it

i hugged alex, carlos and dess for good luck and went onto the field. we stretched for a little and just did light warm ups. it was going good til i saw jenna walking up to me.

y/n: ughhhhhhh can i help you jenna?
i complained

jenna: i just wanted to tell you, do not get in my way today

y/n: i'll do whatever i want jenna. now leave me alone 😐

devyn: ohhh that's jenna

jenna: yea and what about it bitch

y/n: you better get moving or i'll rock your shit again.
i get into her face and whisper in her ear

y/n: only this time i won't be as nice.

i then hear alex call me

alex: y/nnnnnn !

i look back at him

alex: she's not worth it remember.

i shook my head and walked away with devyn,

devyn; soooo you ready?

y/n: born ready ma'am 😁

we all get in our positions and the game starts. at first we weren't doing good because me and devyn weren't in the first quarter because coach has some plan. second quarter comes in and he puts me, devyn, and jenna in it. our goalie kicked the ball to player 11

y/n: devyn get devyn she's open
i yell at #11

she kicks it to devyn and i catch up to devyn

y/n: here open

she kicks the ball to me and i shoot it and it makes

y/n: yesss we're tied
i say high fiving her

skip to 4th quarter.

it's not 4th quarter and we're still tied to them 13 minutes on the clock . we start with the ball and everyone just kicks it panicking bc everyone is guarded. except for me and devyn

y/n: here pass it i'm open

player #14 dribbles her way out of the circle everyone is crowded in and kicks the ball towards my way. as i see the ball get closer to me i feel someone push me onto the floor. i look up and see jenna. got me fucked up. everyone gasps as they see what jenna did bc she's on my team. i get up quickly and get in her face

y/n: what the fuck jenna
i say pushing her

jenna: what bitch

y/n: you know what the fuck you're doing. stop fucking touching me bitch

jenna: do something about it bitch. you have no friends to back you up this time. not even taylor or kate

y/n: that's a good thing you dumb fuck. and idc what you say they'll always have my back. unlike your fake group.

jenna: at least my friends don't keep shit from me especially my bestfriend's.

y/n: my friend group doesn't jenna and you of all people should know that since you always love to try and get in between it.

jenna: if that's the case why are your friends dating my friends? and why am i back together with mattia? and why didn't taylor and kate tell you if they knew about it the whole time?

y/n: w-what?

jenna: yea but ofc you didn't know that because they've been avoiding you. all those times you asked if they wanna hang out and they said they were busy, where did you think they were?
she says smirking

i have no words. i turn to the bleachers and look at them. they all seem confused on why i did that.

jenna: oh and vic told me to tell you your brothers good in bed
she smirks again

??: jenna wtf
someone says walking up to us.

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