so much for friends

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recap: someone comes up to me and jenna

??: wtf jenna

i look back and see josh followed by the group

jenna: oh save it josh if anything i did you guys a favor.

i look at josh

y/n: you slept with vic?
i say in a soft voice on the verge of crying

jenna: he didn't just sleep with vic. he's dating vic. kairi is back with celia. i'm dating mattia again. katie is with alejandro. roshaun is in a pending relationship with emma (meaning he's talking to her) . alv-

i cut her off

y/n: alvaro is messing with ari. mia is with nathan. and robert is with bri.
i turn to them

y/n: so why is kate and taylor brought into this?
i say looking at the boys . waiting for an answer.

jenna: oh my god. they're in this bc they knew what was happening but decided not to tell you.

mattia: okay jenna just stop talking for now
he says running his hands through his hair frustrated

jenna scoffs and walks away.

ale: y/n.
he says tryna grab my hand

i pull it away before he could touch it

y/n: how long.
i say sternly

mattia: huh

y/n: how long have you guys been doing this? is this why you guys started avoiding me?

kate: we weren't avoiding you y/n-

y/n: then what were you guys doing? you guys stopped hanging out with me for this. really? was all this worth losing me?

kairi: y/n don't say that please. we can fix it.

i start crying

y/n: you know for those weeks you guys were avoiding me i thought that it was all my fault. that i was a bad friend. that i was a bad sister. i had thoughts in my head that you guys didn't even want me around anymore.

alvaro: can we just talk this out?

before i could say anything alex and them comes up to me.

alex: hey, you good?
he says putting his arm over me

y/n: uhh yea let's just go somewhere else please

nathan: y/n ple-

y/n; i'll see you guys later.

we were walking to devyn's car and it was quiet til we got to the car.

alex: you okay?

y/n: i guess

he lifts my chin up

alex: don't worry about them right now. let's just go chill at my house

i smile and nod

carlos: uhh me and dess actually gotta do something
he says nervously

i look at dess and she looks at me and devyn.

devyn&y/n: go get that dick 😏

alex: huh? holy shit you boutta hit
he says laughing

carlos: yoooo chill 😭

alex: ahhhh daboyyy 😂
he says while doing their lil handshake

dess: anyways can't waste time. byeee guys

we all laughed and said our goodbyes and went to alex's house .

*back at your house*

kate: see you idiots i told you guys to tell her before it got outta hand

alvaro: it's not our fault mattia's bitch has a big fucking mouth

mattia: alvaro shut the fuck up. your bitch is the one who encouraged jenna to even say something

alvaro: since when does jenna ever listen to any fucking one

mattia: i don't know dip shit those are her friends not mine

ale: alright alright just chill

taylor: no no no no. you guys fucked up our relationship with her. we aren't gonna "just chill" bitch FIX IT

robert: omg just stop the fucking yelling. we get it we're all mad and not in the mood right now but just stop yelling.

nathan: how are we gonna fix this if she won't even answer the group chat?

josh: let's just wait til tomorrow?

kairi: yea whatever ima go back to my house.

we all look at him weirdly as he leaves the house

kairi's pov

i drive back to my house and went straight to my room. god i'm such a fucking idiot. i'm her bestfriend and i let her down and because of it she thinks she wasn't a good enough friend.

i grab my phone and text her


kairi: y/n? can we talk please?
bestie🥺: what kairi
kairi: look i'm sorry i really am
i just didn't know how to tell you
i'm dating my toxic ex again
bestie🥺: k
kairi: y/n please .

after that last message she left me on read . i can't just give up like that. she was there for me and she understood the pain i went through. i can't lose her .

skip to the next day

y/n's pov

i slept over at alex's house because i didn't wanna see anyone yet after what happened yesterday. fuckkk i have no clothes .

alex: hey do you just wanna wear the sweats you have on and i can give you a jacket

y/n: yes pleaseeeee

he goes to his closet and hands me his jacket. hm smells just like him.

alex: you ready?

i nod and we head to school .

y/n: ima go to my locker real quick

devyn: alright we'll be at our table

i nod and head to my locker. i put my books in and grab my books for first period. i see someone lean against the locker next to mine

y/n: what do you want

kairi: you can't be mad forever. can we just talk this out

i look at kairi and my eyes go behind him. i see ale and them with jenna's group, laughing and smiling. even kate and taylor.

kairi: so can we?
he says in a low voice

i think for a little. he's the only one who texted me right after what happened and he seems genuinely sorry. it's like he's the only one who actually cares about how i feel . i look back at kairi and hug him. tightly.

y/n: no need to talk. i forgive you and i love you kai

he hugs me back tightly as well

kairi: so we're good?
he says still hugging me

y/n: we were always good. never let go.

kairi: i promise. bestfriend's forever y/n.

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