chapter 29

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y/n's pov

i wake up immediately remembering last night. you're such an idiot for going y/n.

knock knock

i quickly wiped my tears off

"uh come in" i say

the door opens and it's josh and nathan

"hey sis" josh says closing my door while nathan comes and sits on my bed

"hey what happened are you guys okay" i ask

"yea we just came to check on you because you scared us last night" nathan says

i try my hardest not to cry

"uh i did?" i ask awkwardly

"yea we couldn't find you last night and taylor suggested we go home and figure it out" josh says "but mattia checked upstairs and found you"

i force my laugh "i'm sorry" i say "i guess i didn't feel so good and i didn't wanna ruin any of your guys fun but i guess i did anyway" i said looking down and started to cry as i remembered what happen

nathan and josh look at each other and hug me

"hey hey" josh says laughing "it's okay it's not a big deal"

if only you guys knew what happened.

"yea it's okay y/n" nathan tells me "as long as you're safe"

that's the thing nathan i wasn't safe. i don't feel safe.

i forced my laugh again "i know i know i'm sorry. i'm so sensitive"

he laughs "it's okay dummy" josh says getting off of me and nathan does the same

"let's go eat?" josh asks "they made food downstairs"

"uh i'm not in the mood really" i tell them

"alright but don't forget soccer tryouts are tomorrow" nathan tells me

"oh yea huh" i say laughing

they laughed too and left my room.

i sigh "how am i gonna tell them i don't feel safe anymore"

skip to soccer tryouts

"hey you okay dork" mattia tells me

i look up "huh? yea ofc why wouldn't i be"

"i don't know maybe cause you're here alone, just staring at the ground" kairi points out

i haven't told anyone about the night with kevin. i'm embarrassed and to top that what if they don't believe me and i lose all of them.

"yea i guess i'm just nervous" i say

"hey i didn't know you played soccer" someone says

i turn around and see kevin. i get closer to mattia

"uh y-yea i played for a while now" i say nervously while grabbing mattia's hand. i didn't even notice i grabbed his hand i was actually scared for my life right now.

mattia's pov

"yea i guess i'm just nervous" y/n tells us

nervous? since when does she get nervous.

"hey i didn't know you played soccer" kevin says walking up to us

y/n gets closer to me and grabs my hand tightly. wtf

"uh y-yea i played for a while" she says nervously while stuttering

i look down at her and she looks scared. why would she be scared of kevin? i look at kairi and he looks just as confused as me

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