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y/n's pov

nathan laughs "you grew the balls to kiss mattia?"

"what" i say picking my head up "can you guys keep it down so mattia doesn't hear what we're talking about"

"it's about time" josh says laughing

i look at them confused "what"

"come on y/n" nathan says "you're our sister we know you"

"we also know you have a thing for mattia" josh tells us

"wait how" taylor asks

"y/n is always smiling when mattia is around" nathan points out

"and mattia never stops smiling when you're around too" josh says

"where's the lie tho" kairi says

i hit kairi "he doesn't like me. can you guys shut up"

"you just confirmed you like him" josh says

"no i didn't" i say walking past all of them "my god can i get a break" i tell them walking out, on my way downstairs

they follow me down there too

"hey i didn't know you guys were here" ale says

"oh yea we just got home" josh replies

"how was it with your dad" mattia asks

"eh it was whatever" josh says "he wanted to talk to you, y/n"

everyone looks at me

"why me" i say biting into my pizza

"i don't know" nathan jumps in "maybe because you're his kid too"

i laugh "haha no." i say dropping my fake smile "he lost that privilege to call me his kid when he left us"

"true but he's still our dad y/n" nathan tells me

"yea deadbeat dad" i said getting up "i'm tired i'm going to sleep i don't wanna talk about this anymore"

"i love you guys" i said while going upstairs

i lay down, played my music, and just vibed until i felt my eyes get heavier.

mattia's pov

"so" taylor says looking at me

"so... what" i say

"i heard y/n kissed you" she says smirking while hitting me with her elbow

"what who said that" i say trying to lie

"kairi and y/n were talking about it upstairs" she said "so how was it. was it better the first or second time"

i laugh "how tf do you know we kissed more than once"

"mattia buddy i'm her bestfriend i get all the details" she says

"what did she say" i ask "yk about the kiss"

"she didn't say anything for this kiss" she says "but she did say something about the first kiss and that's not my place to tell you giant"

"can i be serious with you real quick" i ask

"yea sure"

"do you think she likes me?"

taylor's pov

"do you think she likes me" mattia asks me

"uh well idk tbh" i lie knowing she's madly in love with this giant ass "y/n is a hard person to satisfy but i'm pretty sure it'll be very easy for you"

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