chapter 31

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i didn't proof read! sorry guys i've been really busy :(

recap: cynthia comes in very drunk

"h-hey babyyyy" she says having trouble standing

"oh my god" i say slapping my hand on my forehead "nows not the time cynthia really"

"i know that's why i came here" she says "how's y/n"

"she's sleeping" taylor says annoyed

"why are you so mad" she replies to taylor

"i don't know maybe because i texted you what happened to y/n and that she was gonna need us but you fucking responded saying i'm busy" taylor snaps "i don't give a fuck if you were busy, my bestfriend was raped and she almost got raped again. so yea cynthia i'm mad. i'm mad because you chose to drink over helping a friend who really needed you"

"where the fuck was this energy when she grabbed his hand" cynthia says

"that's what you're worried about" i say "my fucking bestfriend was raped and was about to get raped again cynthia and you're still stuck on her grabbing my hand"

y/n's pov

i woke up to taylor yelling at cynthia but i didn't want anyone to know i was up yet. i was still embarrassed.

"that's what you're worried about" mattia says "my fucking bestfriend was raped and it almost happened again cynthia and you're still stuck on her grabbing my hand"

"why is she even fucking touching you in the first place" she yells back

"omg cynthia she was raped by kevin. she was fucking scared that's why she go so fucking close to mattia and grabbed his hand" taylor yells

"you can stay the fuck out of this" cynthia snaps at taylor

"or what cynthia" taylor yells back "or what bitch"

"you're gonna let her talk to me like that" cynthia says

i'm pretty sure she's talking to mattia

"fuck you mattia" cynthia says putting her hair up

"is that a fucking hickey" he says

"w-what" cynthia replies

"uh we're gonna go upstairs" i hear kairi say

"no you don't have too" mattia says "cause we're done cynthia"

"you can't just break up with me" she says

"yea we're going upstairs" ale says

"no it's alright because cynthia was just about to leave" he says

"you're really ending it" she asks

"yea cause clearly you went with another guy and had fun while your bestfriend needed you" mattia says

"see that's the fucking problem" cynthia says "everything is about fucking her"

"k we're going up stairs. bye" josh says

they all head upstairs besides mattia and cynthia

"you don't even care that i cheated on you mattia" cynthia says "you care more about her"

"of course i fucking do. she's my bestfriend and she was raped cynthia what the fuck do you want me to do" he says

"no it was before everything happened" cynthia says "it's always y/n this, y/n that"

"sorry it's not my fault all you wanna do is make out and have fucking sex. cynthia i can't just fucking suck your face off in front of my friends" he replies back

i wanted to laugh because that was pretty funny but i held it in

"no mattia you're in fucking love with her" she says "that's why it's always y/n this y/n that"

i breathe a little hard. no way he's in love with someone like me lol

"w-why would you even think that" he says "if i'm with you. if i was in love with y/n i would be with her right now"


"you may not see it mattia but i fucking do" she says and i hear the door slam

i jump a little

"oh shit did she wake you?" mattia says looking at me

i didn't want him to know i heard the whole thing so i lied

"who?" i ask

"wait you just woke up?" he asks

"yea" i lie "i just heard a door slam pretty loudly and i got scared and now i'm up"

he laughs "are you okay"

i sit up "i don't know" i say "i wanted to tell you guys but i didn't know how. i was scared none of you would believe me"

"why wouldn't we believe you?" mattia says "always believe the victim"

"i know" i say looking down "i guess a part of me was embarrassed"

he pulls me into a tight hug "you shouldn't be" he tells me "you're safe now. we're here for you"

when he told me i'm safe i never felt more safe in my life. mattia really has a huge ass impact on me. i pull away from the hug

i sigh "where's everyone else" i ask mattia

when i said that, they all walked downstairs and hugged me

i laughed "guys i need to breathe"

everyone got off of me except taylor.

"uh taylor" i say laughing "are you okay"

"yes" she says hugging me tighter "i'm sorry i convinced you to go to the party. i didn't know this would happen"

"it's okay. i promise" i say "i'm okay now"

"okay taylor can we get our sister back" josh says

"oh yea" she says laughing while getting off "she's all yours"

then they came and hugged me

"guys can we just go back to the group hug instead of having of taking turns talking" i say laughing

they all hugged me and we ended up falling asleep

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