chapter 65

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"i'm sorry but-"

the doctor was interrupted by 2 boys barging in

"where is she"

we all turn our heads to see nathan and josh

"oh thank god. where is she? what happened to her? can we see her" josh asks

"unfortunately you can't" the doc says "with everything that had happened to y/n-"

"what's everything? what happened with her? i want fucking details" nathan says in a angry voice

"nathan calm down she'll be fine" josh assured him

"no it's okay. you guys are worried. i would be too if this was my friend as well" the doctor says

"she's our sister"

"your sister fell into a deep coma" he explains "with her cutting herself making her lose a lot of blood , starving her self and taking acid caused to hit some kind of nerve in her body and we can't find it"

all of our faces soften

our eyes tearing up

i can tell we're all thinking the same thing

blaming it on their self

when it's really

all my fault.

i did this to her

she fell into that state of mind

because of me

this is my doing.

i fucked up.

i should've just told her what was happening

"when can we see her" i ask

"you can see her now if you guys would like

but there is one thing you guys have to decide on"

we look at each other and nod

"if y/n doesn't wake up in a month or so it's up to you guys to decide if we can pull the plug"

all this

all this cause of me

we head into her room and as we get closer i feel a knott in my stomach.

i hesitantly walk in and see her.

all the wires connected to her.

her wrists.

her pale skin.

her cold pale skin.

her eyes closed

her laying down on the bed


all cause of me

"omg" i hear a familiar voice whisper

i turn around it's taylor

she starts crying

"what's wrong with her. what's happening" she says with tears in her eyes

"i don't know" ale says "the doctor said she's in a deep coma. apparently she's been starving herself, cutting , and um taking acid"

taylor looks at him with her bloodshot eyes

"do they know when she's gonna wake up"

he shakes his head no

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