just a dream

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mattia's pov

"hey you ass face give me my phone" y/n says laughing

"come get it dork" i say putting my arm up with her phone in my hand trying to make her reach it

she walks over to me and her body is pressing against mine.

"mattiaaaaaa" she says jumping up trying to get the phone "why you gotta be so tall"

"real question is why you gotta be so short" i say laughing at her

"mattia my phone now" she says making eye contact with me

i got lost in her eyes. i couldn't help but just stare into them and her body was pressing against mine and it made me feel some type of way. i kissed her. i realized what i just did and pull back.

"uh omg i'm so sorry" i say scratching the back of my head

"shhh" she says leaning again to kiss me. i kiss back and we're making out now.

"jump" i say

she jumps and wraps her legs around me and i'm holding her. i walk upstairs without breaking the kiss and head to my room. i lay her down.

"mattia wake up" my mom says yelling from downstairs causing me to wake up

i quickly wake up and look at the side of me and y/n wasn't there.

"it was just a dream" i sigh and lay back down "fuckkk y/n" i say knowing the affect she has on me

i get a ft call. i grab my phone and it's y/n . i pick it up and she's smiling very beautifully

on the phone

"yes y/n" i said

"hiiiiii mattiaaaaaa" she says dragging the a "how'd you sleep?" she says smiling

"you want something don't you?" i say laughing

"what pfttt. what makes you think that" she says raising her eyebrows

"y/n you never ask how did i sleep" i laugh

"i wanted to start today" she says smiling

i gave her a bitch what look

"okay fine. can you pretty pretty pretty pretty please order me food" she says making a sad face

i laugh "aweee no" and i hung up quickly and went live

y/n's pov

i ft mattia so he can order me food but the ass face said no and hung up on me so quickly . a few minutes later i see the notification that mattia went live. this fucker. i join and comment

y/n.l/n: you ass face you hung up for this 😐?

mattia reads my comment and laughs

"yes. yes i did" he says laughing

he requested me to go live with him and i accepted it

"mattia please please please order me food" i say

"why me? you have kairi, ale, josh,nathan, anyone but it's me" he points out

"none of them are answering my question so now it's on you to make me happy again" i said laughing

fan1: buy her food mattia 😡
fan2: justice for y/n!
fan3: if you don't buy her food we'll bully you

i laugh at the comments.

"wowww you got my own fans turning on me" mattia says laughing "do you want your usual?" he asks

he remembered?

"yes yes" i say and smile

as he was ordering i was reading the comments and one said "he looks at her as if he's in love" that comment made me a little sad knowing that i'm not the one he's in love with

"hey you okay" mattia asks me, looking up from his phone

i snap outta my thoughts "ofc dino . why wouldn't i be?" i said

fan1: is it just me or would they make a cute couple?
fan: ^ yoooo no lie
hater: ew no she could never compare to jenna

i laugh at that last one .

mattia smiles "what's so funny dork?"

"i'm reading these comments" i say "someone said i could never compare to jenna"

he chuckles "it's not like any one would wanna be her"

"mattia don't say that you're gonna be in tik tok room" i say laughing

mattia starts smiling outta no where and touches his hair

"what are you smiling at?" i said laughing

"huh i wasn't" he claims

fan: y'all he touched his hair and smiled 😮
fan: my heart just went 💔but they're cute
fan: it's the fact that mattia is in love with a girl who isn't me for me😩

"alright whatever" i say laughing "but i gtg do my laundry. thanks for the food dino"

he chuckles "alright bye i love you dork"

"i love you too" i say and exist his live

mattia's pov

after i ordered y/n's usual, i looked at the comments and everyone was shipping us. it made me happy really because my fans don't really like the girls i talk to. i'm glad i'm not the only one who sees y/n isn't like the others. i come across a comment that said "smile and touch your hair if you're in love" so i did.

"what are you smiling at" y/n says laughing

"huh i wasn't" i said

"alright whatever" she laughs " but i gtg do my laundry. thanks for the food dino"

i chuckle "alright bye i love you dork"

"i love you too" she says before getting off the live

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