jealous much?

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a/n: people been asking for devyn and them 😭and i honestly forgot about them so let's say they went on tour and now they're back

it's saturday and we've been planning my moms funeral all day and honestly i'm so fucking stressed out. i keep fucking making mistakes left and right, all i want is for her funeral to be perfect.

"fuck" i yell madly as i make another fucking mistake

"y/n" nathan yells

"i'm in her office room" i yell back

he comes in "what's wrong. why are you yelling"

"i don't know which flowers to pick out for moms funeral service and i haven't even fucking gotten her casket because of it. after that i was supposed to buy a flag for everyone to sign at her funeral but i can't fucking do that if i can't make a decision" i say in one breath

"okay well first let's just calm down. it's totally okay to be stressed during this time all you had to do was ask me or josh for help y/n. we were her kids too and we promised her to always be here for you" nathan says

"i know, i know i just didn't wanna bother or annoy you guys"

he laugh "you could never annoy us... well i mean uh sometimes but yk not during this time"

i laugh and push him slightly "shut up and go get josh"

"alright but mattia's here upstairs if you wanna chill with him" he says winking

i throw a pen at him

"get out nathan" i yell as he laughs

a few minutes later i got bored and decided to go upstairs with mattia.

"hey" i said jumping onto the couch, letting out a frustrated sigh

"hey dork. what's wrong with you" he asks

"we're starting to plan my moms funeral" i say getting up, facing my body to his "and a lot of this shit is irritating and stressful"

"you know you have friends and family that could help you with something like this y/n. i know how stressful and hard this is for you and i know you don't wanna bother anyone but asking for help isn't bothering us you dork" mattia says

i let out another sigh "i know, i know but you already know i don't like asking for help either"

"why? there's nothing wrong with getting help" he says

"i fucking hate it when you're right" i say "let me have my fucking moment polibio"

he laughs "fuck your moment"

i gasp at his words "okay well fuck you too"

"oh fr" he says getting up while i stay laying down on my phone

"fr fr" i reply

he grabs my phone sets it down and starts to tickle me

"oh so your ticklish" he smirks

"s-stop" i say laughing "okay OKAY I'M SORRY I DIDN'T MEAN IT"

he stops and i catch my breath.

skip to school

"hey loser" i hear someone yell

i turn around and see devyn and them

"holy shit" i say as i run to them

i run to alex and he picks me up and spins me around.

"okay alex can we have a turn now" devyn says

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