another girl

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"y/n you need a ride" josh asks me

"nah ima ride with taylor again, thank you tho" i said grabbing my bag "don't kill my brothers mattia" i said heading out

"you say that everyday and they always get home alive" he quickly says

"goodbye dino" my final words as i walk out

i get into the car with taylor

"hey you look cute today" she says smirking

i laugh "what? it's a basic outfit"

"it fits you" she says starting the car

we go to starbucks and order our usual and head to school .

"i heard there's a new girl" taylor says while we walk into school

"have you seen her yet" i ask

"no but they're saying she's really pretty" taylor answers

"i wanna see her now" i say laughing "but just to see what she looks like"

"me too. maybe josh would get at her" she says laughing

i laugh along "if she's reallyyyy pretty, robert would probably go for her" i say opening my locker

she laughs "you read to go?" taylor asks

"yea lemme get my science book" i say grabbing it

i close my locker and we get to walking and we're about to turn the corner

"wait taylor stop" i say putting my hand in front of her

"what why?" she says hiding behind me and peeking her head out

"look. it's mattia" i say pointing at mattia and another girl

"who's that" i ask

"holy shit i think that's the new girl" taylor says

"she doesn't look so new to mattia" i say "look how close they are"

"she's touchy" taylor says

"i see" i say "what if he gets with her"

"you're overthinking already" she tells me "he doesn't seem like he likes her" she says looking at me

"well he's not pushing her away or telling her to stop" i say keeping my eyes on the girl and mattia

"y/n let's just go" taylor says

i nod and look away "yea i don't wanna watch this anymore anyways"

taylor wraps her arm around me and we start walking to class

mattia's pov
i got to school and went straight to my locker and when i got to my locker some girl asked for help .

"hey i'm cynthia and i was wondering if you could help me" she says "i can't seem to open my locker"

"hey i'm mattia and you're the new girl huh?" i ask while introducing myself

"yea" she laughs "but i rather go by cynthia" she laughs again

i laugh along "ofc cynthia. where's your locker at?" i ask

"it's actually not far from yours" she says point across from my locker

"wow it's not far at all" i laugh "here i'll show you how to open it"

i grabbed the lock and showed her how to unlock it. she was getting a little touchy but i just brushed it off. after 10 minutes she finally got it

"omg i got it" she said jumping in excitement "thank you mattia" she says smiling

i smile back "ofc i'm glad to help"

"can i see your schedule?" she says touching my shoulder

"uh yea sure" i say awkwardly "here you go" i say giving it to her

she starts comparing it and a huge smile forms on her face

"we have the same classes" she says smiling

"that's great" i say smiling back

"yea maybe you could walk me around yk how me around" she says smiling while touching my shoulder again

i didn't wanna say no because she's new here and i didn't wanna come off rude so i said yes even tho i really didn't want to.

"yea ofc let's go" i say to her

back to y/n's pov

"do we really have to do this" i ask ale

"it's just a project" ale says laughing "it's not the end of the world y/n"

"she doesn't like projects that involve speaking in front of the class" taylor tells him

"you're shy?" he asks while laughing

"sir there's nothing wrong with that but yes, yes i am very much" i say "so please please please be the one to speak"

"it's not hard" he says "it's like playing soccer but you're talking and not kicking"

"was that supposed to help" taylor asks laughing

ale laughs "yes it was, did it?" he asks me

"yes. yes it did actually" i say

"for real?" he says

"no you dip shit" i said

taylor laughs and so does ale. the bell rings and it's finally lunch. we go out to the soccer field like we always do.

"where's mattia?" ale asks

"i don't know" alvaro says shrugging his shoulders

"hey wanna play?" kairi asks me while holding a soccer ball

"yesssss" i replied

"anyone else wanna play?" he asks

they all shook their head no

"nah we'll just watch" ale says

me and kairi both nodded and went into the field

"you ready to lose?" kairi says

i laugh "only one boutta lose is you"

"we'll see" he says

i quickly kick the ball away from kairi and run away from him

"you want it?" i yell at him "come get it" i said running away from him but faster

he finally catches up and takes the ball

"i'm not going easy on you today" he says running

i run and run til i caught and i kick it away from him and the ball goes kinda far. i run to it and i finally have it. i kick the ball from where i'm at and it goes in

"ohhhhhh take that" i say while running around kairi . i go to his face "look who's losing now buster"

"not fair what so ever, you started early" he says defending himself

"oh yea?" i ask "why did you keep playing then cosentino?"

"whatever i don't wanna play anymore" he says walking back to where everyone else was at

"hey wait for me" i say catching up to him

we finally get there and i see mattia and the same girl he was with this morning.

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