Chapter 1 - The New Boy

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Skittle Aradito sat at her group's table, picking at a bit of glue that was stuck to the table and sighing heavily. She turned to her best friend, Tara, and said, "I'm so bored,"
"Me too," groaned Tara, slouching in her chair.

"Class! May I have your attention, please?" the teacher shouted, clapping her hands.
The two eight-year-old girls' conversation was interrupted. There was a boy at the front of the class who neither of them had seen before. He had floppy blonde hair, blue eyes and pale skin.
"He looks evil!" Skittle said in a creepy voice.
"No, he looks friendly!" Tara said.
"Class, this is Casper Arterton. He is a new student here at our school, and we must all do our very best to make him feel welcome." the teacher announced.
Casper grinned at the class, and then he spoke.
"Hello! Yes, I'm Casper, and I am cool and I love to do athletics and I'm super fast!" he said.
The teacher looked a bit taken aback, but then she smiled at the young athlete and said,
"Wow, that must be interesting."
Casper nodded.
"Uh huh! It is!"
"Well, Casper, we'd better find you a place to sit." the teacher said.
Skittle prayed in her head.
"Pleasepleaseplease don't let him sit on this table!" she thought to herself, crossing her fingers under the table and screwing her eyes shut.
"How about over there, on that table with Skittle and Tara?"
Skittle's face looked as if someone had just made her eat broccoli or something.

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