Chapter 26 - Taking Lives

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"No." Skittle said.
"I'm sorry, but I have to." Mr Winter said guiltily.
He went to hug Skittle, but she turned away coldly.
"Everyone in my life has just walked out on me. This is why I can't trust anyone in this world." Skittle shouted, getting angry.
"Skittle, I..." Mr Winter began.
"And you! You betrayed me. When I thought I could trust you! When I thought I had finally found someone to help me!" Skittle yelled, her voice getting higher.
"Skittle, please..." Mr Winter pleaded.
"No! I won't get attached to anyone anymore! Not even you!" Skittle screamed.
Her words stung her teacher's heart, but he kept trying to help her.
"Skittle! You're not yourself anymore!" Mr Winter yelled.
"I know I'm not. I'm stronger than that now." Skittle shouted.
Then Skittle picked up a craft knife from Mr Winter's desk and opened the window.
"Everyone in my life just leaves me. There is no point to my life." Skittle screamed, then she lifted the craft knife high in the air.
"Skittle, no!" screamed Mr Winter, and he leapt towards her.
But it was too late.
Skittle plunged the knife into her heart and stumbled backwards out of the window.
"Skittle!" Mr Winter screamed as he ran to the window.
He could see the small twelve-year-old girl falling from about fifteen metres high in the air from the English block. Her black-and-blonde hair blew in the wind as she fell to the ground and lay there silently.

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