Chapter 8 - Izzy To The Rescue

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Skittle didn't know why none of the teachers had noticed she was upset yet, and why nobody had offered her a tissue. She was just sat there crying when she heard a voice.
"Leave her alone, bully!"
She looked up and saw the girl named Izzy yelling at Casper. Skittle looked up gratefully and smiled.
"I can say what I want to her." Casper said, raising his eyebrows.
"Um, no you can't. She never did anything to you, and you're just being mean for the sake of it, so that's bullying." Izzy pointed out.
"It's not. The teachers said in assembly that it's only bullying if it goes on for ages." Casper protested.
"Yes, but you were still upsetting her and making fun of her." Izzy said.
"You can't tell me what to do anyway. You're not the teacher." Casper said.
"Yes, but the teachers hardly ever do anything around here, so I take it upon myself to to sort things out." Izzy replied, then she looked down at Skittle and smiled.
"Thanks for saving me." Skittle said gratefully.
"No problem." replied Izzy, winking.
"Why did you save me anyway? Everyone around here hates me and they think I'm a weird loner girl." Skittle asked.
"Well, I just couldn't stand seeing such a friendly-looking girl like you being picked on by that boy. And I'm pretty sure what they say isn't true." Izzy told her.
"It is true though. I have no friends." Skittle admitted, hanging her head in shame.
"Aww, why?" Izzy wanted to know.
"I did have a best friend, the best friend I could ever ask for, but she moved away because her parents wanted to set up a book shop in the countryside." Skittle said sadly.
"Well, how about I be your new best friend? I'll help you and be just as much of a good friend as your old best friend was." Izzy offered.
"Thank you! I'm so happy to have actually made a friend! And I'm sure you can help me!" Skittle said happily.
"Well, consider me your new best friend." Izzy said, grinning.

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