Chapter 23 - Visiting The Teacher

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It had been a week since Skittle's first day at high school, and she was getting used to everything. She had been visiting Mr Winter in his classroom at breaktime every day now so that she could keep out of Emma's way. She also went because she liked to spend time with him, however much she didn't want to admit it.
That day at breaktime, she walked into his classroom.
"Hello, Mr Winter." Skittle greeted him.
"Hello there, Miss Aradito." he replied, waving to her.
"What are you doing?" Skittle asked him.
"Not much. Has Emma been bothering you?" Mr Winter wanted to know.
"Well, not as much. She still glares at me in class, but she never bothers me at breaktime because I come in here." Skittle told him.
"That's good then." Mr Winter said.
"Uh huh." Skittle said.
"You know, I had a tragic past too." Mr Winter said.
"You did?" Skittle asked in surprise.
"Yup. I lost my parents at a young age, and I got bullied a lot at school." he told her sadly.
"That must be terrible." Skittle whispered.
"It is. But I get through it." Mr Winter said.
Then the bell rang.
"Off you go, Skittle." he said to her.
"Bye." Skittle called as she walked out of the door.
"Bye." Mr Winter replied quietly.

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