Chapter 18 - First Day Of High School

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High school.
So this was it.
It was after the summer holidays, and it was Skittle Aradito's first day of high school. She was very worried, and she wondered if high school was really like all the books and movies she had read and seen had described it as.

Is the work hard?
Are all the teachers mean?
Do you really get your head flushed down the toilet on your first day?

Skittle's head was buzzing with questions as she walked down the corridors, trying to find her form room. Then suddenly a jolly-looking lady with bouncy blonde hair looked out of her classroom.
"Excuse me, sweetie, would you be Skittle Aradito by any chance?" she asked.
"Um, yes?" Skittle said cautiously.
"You're in my form. I'm Miss Tyson, your form tutor." the lady said, smiling brightly down at the young twelve-year-old girl.
"Hello, Miss Tyson." Skittle said politely.
Miss Tyson laughed.
"Well, you're very polite, aren't you? Come on in." she said, inviting Skittle inside.

When Skittle walked into the classroom, she saw many other children her age sat at a table. She went and sat down with them, but nobody noticed her.
"Everyone, this is Skittle. She has come in a bit late today and she is going to be your form." Miss Tyson told the other children.
But they weren't even listening. They were having a conversation about football, which Skittle hated and knew nothing about.
"You'll fit in straight away, Skittle." Miss Tyson told her.
But Skittle wasn't so sure.
She sighed, and sat by herself silently for the whole of form.

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