Chapter 16 - Leaving School

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On the day that Skittle and the rest of her year were going to leave, it was chaos. There were kids running around trying to get their school shirts signed by their friends, rehearsals with the speeches and an audience waiting. It was nearly time for the speeches to take place.
"Stand in a straight line, please!" the teacher said to everyone in the classroom.
"Yes, miss!" everyone replied.
"Okay, is everyone smart and ready?" the teacher asked.
"Yes!" the whole class said.
"Okay, then. Let's go into the hall." the teacher said, smiling.

The children entered the hall quietly, one behind the other, then they sat down on the blue bench in front of the hall. Skittle was worried about having to read her speech out to all the parents who had come to watch. Skittle's mum couldn't make it to the leaving ceremony as she couldn't get a day off from work.
The girl named Jennifer was the first to read her speech. She stood up nervously, her legs shaking.
"Um, hello. My name is, um, Jennifer, and I, um, have been at this school for..."
Then she suddenly burst into tears.
"I don't want to leave!" she sobbed, putting her head in her hands.
The teacher quickly handed her a tissue and took her to one side. Skittle knew that when Jennifer got emotional, it sometimes got really bad.
Then it was Casper's turn.
"Hello, I'm Casper! I have many good memories at this school, with my many friends!" he announced.
Skittle sighed and let him get on with his speech. It seemed to take forever. She was very glad when it finally ended.
"And that was my speech!" Casper finished.
Then it was Skittle's turn.
She stood up, picked up her speech and began to read, keeping her eyes on the script.
"Hello, my name is Skittle. I have been at this school for pretty much my whole life, and I have some memories to share with you." she said as loudly as she could.
She looked round at the audience. They were all looking back at her. Skittle gulped, and continued to read.
"I remember the time Tara and I were at my house and we saw that frog video on Baby TV. It was hilarious." she read out.
She got a few odd looks. Skittle rolled her eyes. She was only little when she watched that video!
"I also remember the time when Izzy and I lay in the grass in the park, talking about the future." she said.
A few people in the audience whispered to one another, remembering Izzy and why she left.
"I remember the time when Casper got covered in snake skin." Skittle announced.
And then the whole audience laughed and laughed.

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