Chapter 9 (#5)

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It was evening 6o clock, when I was dismissed. Told to get ready for the upcoming meeting with Bersen Corporation.

I quickly ate one sandwich. My stomach was asking for more, but I made that feeling stop. From now on I should get used to it.

It wasn't that important that I needed to go with him, right?

I then decided to call him. And then only I realized that I didn't have his number. Oh God... I am in a terrible mess.

But then I suddenly remembered the IPad he gave me. I took it from my pocket. A small mirror box is what anyone will think of it. And of course, 'specially made by Welds Corporation'.

There is a button on the side of the 'mirror box' that anyone will just mistake for opening it. I pressed the button and there was the IPad, in my hands.

I turned it on and typed my password, I took contacts, and yes, there lay Jason's number.

Wait, what he named himself as-

Hot Boss – Jason.

And of course, I wouldn't let it go like that. I edited the name.

Devil Boss – Jason.

And now, this is perfect. I called him. He suddenly picked the phone up.

"Hello Dia, what's up?" Jason asked, sounding like another person.


"Don't call me sir, only I am hearing this."

"Okay... Jason-"

"Call me Jay."

"Do you want me to go back and call you sir?"

"Okay, okay, call me Jason."


"Anyway what is it?"

"Should I really come to the meeting with you?"

"Of course, you should. You are my Personal Secretary after all, right?" He asked. And I could surely tell that he was smirking right now.

"But I don't have any dress, suitable for-"

"Just look in your closet. You will find something." He said.

"I didn't bring any those professional clothes."

"I meant that I bought you some before I came to pick you up from Victoria. So, just wear one of them." Damn, Jason.

"Okay... then where are you now?" I asked. "Oh, now you seem love-sick." He said. "Shut up. I just want to know." I said. "Well... I am going to get into the elevator." He said. "You are THERE already?" I quickly cut the phone without waiting for his reply. Then I opened the closet and took a sleeveless top with a mini overcoat. Mini skirt with leggings and rushed inside the toilet.

After I finished wearing my top, I could hear the continuous knocks. Only if I could scream from here. I wore my mini skirt and leggings. Then I could hear him opening the door. Then I put my overcoat.

I went to my table and took a notepad, a pencil the door of our room opened.

"I knocked a couple of times, you know." He said with a serious look. "I am sorry, but I was in the toilet at that time. But then I heard you opening the door. So then..." I didn't tell anything then.

"Bother coming down?" He asked with a hint of anger in his voice. "No-" He cut me off. "Do you know how worried I was when you didn't open the door-" I cut him off. "Jason but-" "I thought something might have happened to you." He said. "Jason, how-" "You can't tell how much worried I was-"

"JASON, I APPRECIATE YOUR CONCERN." When I said this much he got quite. But then I said in calm voice. "But how is anything supposed to happen to me when I am in here? When you just called me two seconds ago?" I asked.

He shook his head in an irritated way. "I am sorry." I said. He turned his back to me. I stretched my hands to touch him, but refrained. "It's Okay. Are you ready?" He asked.

"Yes." I answered. "You look... well. We can go, I guess." He said, his face somewhat turning into an unreadable complexion. . "No... no... not that expression." I said, sighing. "What expression?" He asked. "It is a weird sign, telling that I, I don't know, look weird?" I said in a question-like manner. "And what makes you tell that?" He asked, getting kind of interested into the topic."

"Well... two times you know, I went with my father. Two times. And I got these same looks from people, mainly at the ball, actually. The meeting was fine. They tried to, at least, maintain their professionalism." I said. "Seriously?" He asked. "What?" I asked. "You are the daughter of the legendary Desmond Esther, and here, you have just gone to a party once and a meeting once. You are quite lucky. I mean, look at me. I've been going around the world, since I don't know, maybe fourteen to fifteen years." He said. "Aw... I feel so bad for you." I said. "And what makes you think that you look weird?" He asked. "Because once in the party, since I entered, while I stayed in there, till I got out, there would be at least one lot of people who keeps looking at me. And I hate it, when people stare at me. For good or for bad. I just want to... Oh My God please, I don't want to tell you about this. Not right now." I said. "Why?" He asked. "We have a meeting, remember?" I asked. "Forget the meeting." Jason said. "You can't." I said. "Then cancel it." He said. "I won't do that either." I said and smiled mischievously. "Okay, then tell me what happened at the party." He said. "Here? No way." I said. "In the car. He said and took his keys and rushed to the main door. Once we reached near the elevator, the four men joined us. One pressed the elevator.

It was really awkward inside the elevator, mainly with those men inside. It was really quiet. Irritably quiet.

We reached near our car. One of the men was going to open the door to driver's seat, when Jason stopped him. "Zen, get in the other car." Jason ordered. For a moment he was stuck, then he got up and said, "Yes, Sir."

We both got in the car and Jason started to drive. "Tell me about what happened at the party." Jason asked, really interested. "Don't you think that... we can discuss those back at home?" I asked. "No." He said. "I need to hear it now." He said persistent. "Look, we can discuss back at home." I said. "Why can't you tell anything in the car?" Jason asked. "Because I think you should concentrate on driving." I said. "I am already concentrating completely." He said. "Then I don't want to divert it by telling my story." I said.

"My God... Okay whatever, but you won't sleep tonight without telling me your story. And believe me; I will make sure of that." Jason told. And why do I have a feeling that he is not joking?

"Okay... I guess there is no other choice left. So where are we heading?" I asked.

"To Bersen Corporation, obviously." He said.

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