Chapter 22

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"Look, I promise I won't hide anything about you from you in the future. That's a promise." He said. "I am sorry but I already promised that we would go." I said. He then made an ugly face. "Come on. We can enjoy the time we have right now." I said. "Whatever." He agreed.

We got back to our dorm within half an hour. I started preparing for my date. After I got dressed, I went downstairs.

"You had these good dresses and you never wore them before." Jason said. "You mean for business meetings?" I asked. "Yeah." He said. 'How am I supposed to wear a dress that I am wearing for a date to a meeting? It is supposed to be professional." I said and he rolled his eyes. "Wish me luck." I said. "Never." He ended our conversation.

We both got into the elevator. I got off on the first floor. "Come back before 5." He said and I nodded. When I reached the first floor, Michael was already waiting for me.

"Hello." He said and opened the door for me. "Good Afternoon." I said. "Hello? Are you trying to be professional? Because if you are, drop it. We are friends, remember?" He asked and I chuckled.

We first drove to a coffee shop and ordered two coffees. To be frank, his jokes were amazing. We then saw a movie, and then drove to an amusement park.

Suddenly my phone rang. "Um... Michael?" I called him and turned my phone off. "It's already 4:30. I have to go back. I am having a board meeting at 5." I said. He nodded. "It was nice spending time with you." He said.

"You know, they said, every good thing will come to an end. So this is our end. I mean, not forever. But for the time being. We will meet again." I said and he smiled again. "I will drive you back." He said. "It's my duty as a date." He said and I smiled.

I got to W.O.O.S or Welds quickly. Jason was waiting for me. "Diana?" Michael called. "Yes?" I asked. "I know that we can't be the ideal couple, but can't we be the ideal friends?" He asked. I smiled. "Sure. And believe me, I wouldn't mind dates like these. It was fun." I said. "All my pleasure." He said. I smiled and got in.

"You knew I would come around this time?" I asked. "I know you enough, to know that you are not the last minute person." He said. "That was a compliment." I said. "Yeah, whatever." He said and I smiled. "What are you waiting for? We have a board meeting to finish off." He said.

When we got in the elevator, "How was your time with John?" I asked. "How did you know that I was meeting with John?" He asked. "I was the one who actually suggested it." I said. "Oh yeah. Talk about the meeting, half the time, okay quarter and half of the time. It was about you. We are trained professional. And it's almost impossible for you to get what we were thinking. But you, a newbie, actually found out what we were up to, left John clueless there. Well, me too. But still." He said.

"It was that atmosphere around you." I said. "Seriously, if you can tell I am lying or not by the atmosphere around me, how can I ever hide anything from you?" He asked. "Simple." I said. "What?" He asked. "Don't hide anything from me." I said and he kept quiet till we reached the meeting hall.

Dave was waiting for us in the backroom of the meeting hall. "Dave, I need to make some changes in the presentation. No one should know what happened beyond the dead end. So delete all those that came after that." I said. "Yeah, it should be between us three. And I think Father already knows it." Jason said and Dave nodded in agreement and started working on it.

Suddenly the bell rang. "The meeting is starting." Jason said. "Dave, finished?" Jason asked and he nodded. "Alright, now Diana, we'll go to the meeting hall. And Dave, check each of their faces, properly and thoroughly." Jason said and Dave nodded. "Come." He asked me. I nodded and followed behind him.

Every eye was on us, as we made our way in the meeting hall. Jason then went and sat on his chair and looked at me, just like other everyone in the hall.

Don't fret, breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, and breathe out. I kept trying to calm myself down. You are already here. Now just finish it off and leave.

And then I started, "Good morning. I am sure that every one of you present here has already known of the theft that took place at Ruin X. Here, we will go through a short experience, by me... and a coworker." I said and looked at the screen. The picture appeared.

"This, as all of you might see, is not a real wall, or, was a real wall. It was transformed by the robbers from to paper. This also explains the reason behind the frequent thefts that took place at Ruin X." I stopped as one hand went up.

"You telling that, the people were not doing their work properly?" He asked. "Yes. Isn't it obvious?" I asked. "But they didn't know what they were asked to protect." Other one said. "Are you telling that they are supposed to know?" I asked, and no more questions came.

"And then," I looked at the board again, and the next picture came. "This shows that, the thieves spent quite a time in there, which explains the lack of security in there, as a result of carelessness." I said and looked at the lot of men.

"Please continue." Uncle Watson said and the next picture came. "This is a code, yet to be deciphered." I said. The next picture came of the dead end. "And that's all." I said and the lights turned on again. "Um... Miss Esther?" Sir Peterwood called. "Yes?" "Was that a complete dead end?" He asked. "I was actually given a curfew on the time I could spend inside the ruin. It was already nearing to it, when I reached the dead end." I said and Sir Peter nodded. "Who is that coworker you talked about?" Other guy asked. "Dave." I said. "Dave Nickers?" He asked. "I... think so?" I said. "The bodyguard?" He asked and I nodded. "He must be quite honored for you to call him your coworker." He said. "He is quite good." I said.

Everyone started to leave by then. After every one left, I made my way to the backroom. "That was good. At least, better than I expected." He said. "What did you expect?" I asked. "Worse." He said. "Was it your first time?" He asked. "Yeah." I nodded. "Okay, you were good." He said. "You said that already." I said. "Okay, then pretty good?" He asked and I chuckled. "Thank you." I said.

When we got to the back room, Dave was already waiting for us.

"Hai, Dave." I greeted. He smiled at me. "Hello." Jason said. "Hello, Sir." David greeted back.

"Well, Dave greeted me back, not you." He said. "There are no formalities between friends. Only between an employee and his/her boss." I said and Dave smiled.

"Whatever." Jason scoffed.

"So Dave?" Jason called. "Yes, Sir?" Dave asked. "Anyone found suspicious?" Jason asked. "I did find a man, the most suspicious of all." Dave said. "But, it's going to be hard believing it." Dave said.

"It's alright. Everyone is suspicious in front of our eyes now." I said.

"Well, it is your choice to believe it or not." Dave said. "Will keep that in mind." Jason said.

"You are not going to believe me." Dave said.

"DAVE! CUT THE CRAP ALREADY." Jason shouted.

"Jason, what is this?" I asked. "Why do you need to shout at him? He was just playing with you. The coolest thing that you could have done was to play along with him. That would have taught him who is the boss, or his secretary." I said.

"I am sorry." Jason said. "I am sorry too." Dave said. "Now, can you tell?" I asked and he nodded.

"The person I found suspicious was... Sir Peterwood." Dave said.


Note for Readers.

I really apologize for my late update 🙏🙏

And I am also really thankful for the supports you people have given me.

Luv Y'all 💕💕

Last updated 17-8-2020 

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