Death Is Just Around The Corner

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Mary's POV
I was sleeping and felt someone was looking at me I took the gun that was supposed to be under my pillow. "Looking for this?" I looked and saw two masked men and one had my gun. I also noticed they had done a Greek god trap that cancels my powers. I looked and saw the others were pointed at gun point and Crystal was in a devil trap pouting. "Mornin'." Ricky said sarcastically. "Shut up. Hands where I can see 'im." The one said. "Not my type pal." Ricky said, wait the masked man's voice is familiar. "Wait a minute. Is that you, Roy? It is, isn't it. Which makes you Walt. Hiya Walt." I said they took off their masked and I was right. "Don't matter." Walt said as he pointed the gun still at us. "Well, is it just me, or do you two seem a tad upset?" Dean said. "You think you can flip the switch on the Apocalypse and just walk away, guys?" Walt said. "Who told you that?" Sam asked. "We ain't the only hunters after you. See you in the next life." Roy said. "Hear us out. We can explain, okay? Please." Kara said, and say what a demon bitch brainwashed you two into killing two of the first demons causing Lucifer and Icicle to rise? That will go over well. I looked and saw Walt and Roy shot Kara and Sam I went to go fight and I felt a gun shot wound in my heart and just saw blackness. I woke up in Ricky's bedroom from the Harvelle roadhouse. "So I got us snacks, movies, and drinks." I saw Ricky walk in. "Wait this was the first sleepover we had. "What movies?" I asked. "Heathers, Mean Girls, Harry Potter." Ricky listed. I nodded and heard the laptop make a static noise. "Mary!" I looked and heard Castiel. "Cas are you dream hopping again? You hate my dreams. "This isn't a dream you died." Castiel said. "I died?" I asked. "Yes now I need you to find a road." Castiel said. "Okay shouldn't be hard." I said. "Don't think it's easy you don't share a Heaven with someone yet, Dean and Kara share one, Marina and Sam do, and Ricky and I share a heaven. "Way to single me out Cas." I said. "Just find a road." Castiel said. I walked to a door and opened it seeing an all white room with doors. I shrugged and started walking. "Who are you?" I turned and saw a lady in an all white pants suit. "Oh your majesty." She said and bowed. "That won't be necessary." I said. "Okay." She said and left in a hurry. I found an M. Winchester. I walked in and saw what looked like the fifties. I saw a woman with brown curls throwing a plate at someone hitting them unconscious.

 I saw a woman with brown curls throwing a plate at someone hitting them unconscious

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"Damn." I said she turned to me. "Who are you?" She asked pointing a gun at me. "Mae Winchester." I said putting my hands up. "Impossible I'm Millie Winchester." Millie said, holy shit this is my grandma. "Millie I got the doors locked." A man with brown hair in a smart suit said. "Thanks Hen." She said. "Who's this young lady?" He asked. "A Winchester though I don't remember you having a sister." She said. "I don't." He said. "This is going to sound crazy, but I'm your granddaughter." I said. "John had a girl." Millie said. "Yes." I said. Recognition crossed over her face. "Sorry for pointing a gun at you." She said. "It's fine." I said shrugging. "You are beautiful just like your mother." She said. "I'm not that beautiful." I said. "Nonsense." She said and saw my bracelet. "Good my granddaughter wears that bracelet." She said I nodded and I noticed the radio going crazy. "What in the blue blazes is that." She said. "Cas?" I asked. "Hey, I told you find a road with any luck now you'll be hiding in different heavens." Castiel said. "Who is that?" Millie asked. "An angel, who is my friend." I said. "Okay, well let's get out of here." She said. "Are you insane?" I asked. "This involves family, meaning it involves me." She said. "Wait you know about the supernatural?" I asked. "Yes, and I'm glade John told you now come on." Millie said, damn I am grandma. I opened the door and we ran and saw Zachariah. "Nowhere to run Mary." He said. "Oh yes there is." Millie said. "Like what?" Zachariah asked and Millie decked Zachariah. "I have so much respect for you right now." I said. "Good." She said and and we continued to run. I stopped and saw a door. "Come on." I said and Millie and I jumped in the door and saw a field and the impala. "Who's heaven is this?" Millie asked. "Either one of my brothers or my Dad's." I said and saw a young me shooting bottles. "Good job Mae, a natural." Dad said. "My Dad's heaven." I said. "You were adorable." Millie said. I blushed. "Like Sammy and Dee?" A kid me asked. "Better." Dad said. We stood there and he turned around and saw us. "Mom?" He asked. "Helllo John." Millie said and they hugged. "What about your older daughter?" I asked. "Mae how did you die?" He asked. "Pissed off the wrong hunter." I said. "Like true Winchester you piss off a monster or a hunter." Millie said. "Mom you know about the supernatural?" Dad asked.  "Yes, before you were born I fought them." Millie said. "Then why didn't you train Dad to fight?" I asked. "After Henry disappeared I didn't want the same fate for John so I hid it." Millie said. I nodded and we heard shaking. "Come on." I said. "I'm coming." Dad said. "Hell no, angels are after us." I said. "Well than I'm helping." Dad said. I sighed and we saw Ash. "Ash!" I yelled. "Blondie, come on." He said and Millie shrugged, along with Dad and we followe Ash and we saw the roadhouse. "Man I missed this place." I said. "Same." I looked and saw Ricky. "Your okay." I said hugging him. "Yeah Kara and Dean are mad at each other." Ricky said. "Again?" I asked. "Yeah something about their joint heaven and Dean's are all family and only one with her." Ricky said. "Scary." I said. "John Winchester and a lady?" Ricky asked. "My grandma Millie." I said. "Dad?" Sam and Dean asked. "Boys." Dad said and hugged them. "Doesn't your grandma get a hug?" Millie asked. "Millie Winchester?" My two brothers asked. "Yeah turns out I went to Millie's heaven and she's badass." I said. "Why do you think your middle name is Isla." Dad said. "Mae Isla Winchester." Millie said. "Mary her first name is Mary." Dad corrected. "Good God, the Roadhouse. It even smells the same." I said. "Bud, blood and beer nuts. It's the best smell in the world. How 'bout a cold one? Up here? No hangover." Ash said. "So... no offense..." Sam trailed off. "How did a dirt bag like me end up in a place like this? I've been saved, man. I was my congregation's number one snake handler." Ashe said. "And you said this was your heaven?" Kara asked. "Yup! My own... personal..." Ash trailed off then burped. "And when the angels jumped us? We were..." Dean trailed off. "In your heavens, although Blondie left her heaven with that Winchester and your Daddy." Ash said. "Oops." I said. "So there're few more heavens?" Ricky asked. "No. More like a hundred billion. So, no worries, it'll take those angels boys a minute to catch up." Ash said. "What?" Dean asked. "See, you gotta stop thinking of heaven as one place. It's more like a butt-load of places all crammed together. Like Disneyland except without all the anti-Semitism." Ash said. "Thanks for that image." I said. "Disneyland?" Millie asked. "Mm-hmm. Yeah. See all you Winchester's got Winchesterland. Ashland. A whole mess of everybody-else-lands. Put them all together: heaven. Right? At the center of it all? Is the Magic Kingdom. The Garden." Ash explained. "So everybody gets a little slice of paradise." Dad said. "Pretty much. A few people share— special cases. What not." Ash said. "What do you mean special?" Ricky asked. "Aw, you know. Like, uh, soul-mates. Anyway. Most people can't leave their own private Idaho's." Ash said. "But you ain't most people." Kara said. "Nope. They ain't got my skills. Hell, I've been all over. Johnny Cash. André the Giant. Einstein. Guys, that man can mix a White Russian. Hell, the other day? I found Mallanāga Vātsyāyana." Ash said. "Who?" We all asked. "He wrote the Kama Sutra. Huh, that boy's heaven? Ah, sweaty. Confusing." Ash said. "All this from a guy who used to sleep on a pool table." Dean said. "Yeah. Now that I'm dead, I'm living, man, a whole lot more." Ash said. "So how'd you find us?" Sam asked. "I rigged up my very own holy-rolling police scanner. That's angels. Blabbing Enochian, okay? I'm fluent. I heard that you were up. Of course I had to come find you. Again, Blondie is the most hard to find this time usually she doesn't leave but she did this time." Ash said. "Wait, again?" I asked confused. "This ain't the first time here. I mean, you all die more than anyone I've ever met." Ash said rolling his eyes. "Really." Kara asked. "Ah, yeah... you don't remember. God! Angels. Must've Windexed your brain." Ash said. "So, uh. I mean, have you found anybody else? Mom and Jo?" Ricky asked. "Ellen and Jo are dead?" Ash asked. "Uh, yeah. Yeah. A few months now. Sorry." I said. "Um, hmm. Uh, they went down fighting?" Ash asked us shocked. "Yeah. 'Til the end." Sam said. "Yeah, a lot of good it did. How 'bout our folks?" Dean said. "Well Mae found your Dad and Grandma but no Mary expect for Mae." Ash said. He then left and came back with Pamela. "Pamela!" We all except for Dad and Millie yelled. "Nice to see you kids again." She said hugging us. I was now drinking apple juice while Pamela drank. "That's for getting me killed." Pamela said smacking me in the shoulder. "Yeah. That's... probably less than I deserve. Makes you feel any better, we got Ash killed too." I said. "I'm cool with it." Ash said snapping his fingers. "He's cool with it. So you... you good?" I asked. "I'm good. Really. Remember my death scene? Gut shot. Coughing blood. You guys told me I was going someplace better." Pamela said. "We were lying." Ricky said. "You all were right! My heaven? It is one long show at the Meadowlands. It's amazing! You should see it." Pamela said. "Sounds great, mine is me and Henry kicking monsters asses." Millie said sitting down drinking a beer. "Yeah." Dean said drinking. "You don't believe me." Pamela said to him. "No, I do, it's just, you know. Spending eternity trapped in your own little universe while the angels run the show, that's lonely. You know. That's not Nirvana. That's the Matrix." Dean said. "I don't know. Attic's still better than the basement." Pamela said. "As long as your not on the torture end of it, Hell can be fun." I said. "Sure your highness." Pamela said. "Yeah, but you know this place feels real, but it's Memorex. Real is down there." Dean said. "Yeah, well, close enough. Look, Dean, I'm happy. I'm at peace." Pamela said. "What? Are you trying to sell us a time share? I mean, what's with the pitch?" I said. "I know that Michael wants to take Dean out for a test drive, Icicle with Kara, and Lucifer with you." Pamela said. "What?" Dad and Millie asked looking at us. "Long story." Sam said waving his hand. "Pamela..." Dean tried. "Just saying. What happens if you play ball with them? Worst case." Pamela said. "A lot of people die." Dean said. "And then they come here. Is that really so bad? Look. Maybe... you don't have to fight it so hard. That's all I'm trying to say." Pamela said. "Pamela, I may love my heaven but I miss not making new memories." Millie said. "How did you die?" I asked. "I was hiding from demons they found me and one with yellow eyes murdered me." Millie said and all of us shared a look. "John?" Millie asked. "That demon may have also killed Mary, almost killed Mae, and then killed me after I made a deal." Dad said. "You moron." Millie said and I laughed. "Hey! Found a short cut to the Garden." Sam said, not wanting to see Millie beat up Dad. "Oh yeah." Ash said and Pamela smiled. "Let's go." Millie said. "She's joining us?" Dean asked. "This involves family, meaning it involves me." Millie said. "All Access Pass to the Magic Kingdom." Ash said finishing the ritual. "Good." Ricky said. "Not good?" Dean asked as Ash looked at us. "That Zachary fella's going to be watching every road to the Garden." Ash said. "Watch your asses." Pamela said. We nodded. "Ah, guys. I don't mean to be a downer or anything but... I'm sure I'll see you again soon." Ash said. "True." I said. "And when Mae dies again she better not travel to other heavens." Ash said. "Awe but Millie's is fun." I said. "You can come visit whenever you want." She said. "Well, keep a sixer on ice for us." Kara said shrugging. "You got it." Ash said and opened the door. Dad decided to go back to his heaven, but Millie I guess loved adventure. We walked through and were in a living room. "What the... Why we back home?" Dean said. "I don't know. So what are we going to do?" Sam asked. "Keep looking for the road again, I guess." Kara said. "Wait you guys actually met up?" I asked. "Since Sam and I are soulmated to angels we're able to travel to family heavens you might be due to being a demigod." Ricky said. I nodded. "Honey. Why are you up?" We looked and saw Mom and Millie looked shocked. "Look. I'm-I'm sorry. I love you but you're not real and we don't have time—" Dean said to her. "Did you have another nightmare? Tell me." Mom said. "I gotta go." Dean said. "Then how 'bout I tell you my nightmare, Dean? The night I burned." Mom said as blood started appearing on the nightgown. "Guys, let's get out of here." Kara said. "Don't you walk away from me. I never loved you. You were my burden. I was shackled to you. Look what it got me." Mom said her eyes turned yellow. "Oh hell no you assholes." Millie said and went to punch but was frozen in place. "Guys." Kara said. "The worst was the smell. The pain, well. What can you say about your skin bubbling off? But the smell was so... You know, for a second I thought I'd left a pot roast burning in the oven. But... it was my meat. And then, finally, I was dead. The one silver lining was that at least I was away from you. Everybody leaves you, Dean. You noticed? Mommy. Daddy. Even your siblings. You ever ask yourself why? Maybe it's not them. Maybe, it's you." Mom said. "Easy now, kitten." Zachariah said. "You did this." Sam said. "And I'm just getting started. I mean, guys. Did you really think you could just sneak past me into Mission Control?" Zachariah said. I took off my shoe and threw it at Zachariah hiring him. "Really Princess." He said. "You son of a bitch." I said. "You know, I'd say the same thing about you, Mary, but I have actually grown quite fond of your mother. Or at least the Blessed Memory of her." Zachariah said as other angels grabbed us and he kissed our Mom's neck. "Now I'll need to melon ball my eyes out." I said. "I think we're going to be logging a lot of quality time together. I've discovered she's quite the... MILF." Zachariah said and I was disgusted. "You can gloat all you want, you dick, you're still bald." Millie said. "In heaven, I have six wings and four faces, one of whom is a lion. You see this because you're limited. Let's brass tack this, shall we?" Zachariah said. "You gonna ball-gag us until we say yes? Huh, yeah, I've heard that one too." Kara said. Zachariah stepped up to Kara and punched her in the stomach. "I'm going to do a lot more than that. I've cleared my schedule. Get her up. Let me tell you something. I was on the fast track once. Employee of the month, every month, forever. I would walk these halls and people would AVERT THEIR EYES! I HAD RESPECT! And then they assigned me you. Now look at me. I can't close the deal on a couple of flannel-wearing maggots? Everybody's laughing at me... and they're right to do it. So! Say yes, don't say yes; I'm still going to take it out of your asses. It's personal now, kids, and the last person in the history of creation you want as your enemy is me. And I'll tell you why. Lucifer may be strong, but I'm... petty. I'm going to be the angel on your shoulder for the rest of eternity." Zachariah said. "Excuse me. Sir?" I saw Joshua who I met last time I was here. "I'm in a meeting." Zachariah said to him. "I'm sorry. I need to speak to these people." Joshua said. "Excuse me?" Zachariah asked in complete shock. "It's a bad time, I know, but I'm afraid I have to insist." Joshua said. "You don't get to insist jack-squat." Zachariah said. "No, you're right. But the boss does. His orders." Joshua said. "You're lying." Zachariah said. "I wouldn't lie about this. Look, fire me if you want. Sooner or later, he's going to come back home and you know how he is with that whole wrath thing." Joshua said. We looked around and saw a garden. "This is heaven's Garden?" Sam asked. "It's-it's nice... ish. I guess." Dean said looking around. "You see what you want to here. For some it's God's throne room; for others it's Eden. You two, I believe it's the Cleveland Botanical Gardens. You came here on a field trip." Joshua said. We nodded. "I remember coming here on a case Henry joked we would get married here." Millie said smiling. "Hello Joshua." I said. "Hello Princess Mary, you look well." He said. "So, you talk to God." I said. "Mostly, He talks to me." Joshua said. "Well, we need to speak to Him. It's important." Ricky said to him. "Where is he?" Dean asked. "On Earth." Joshua said. "Doing what?" Kara asked. "I don't know." Joshua said. "Do you know where on Earth?" I asked. "No, sorry. We don't exactly speak face-to-face." Joshua said. "I... I don't get it. God's not talking to nobody so..." Dean trailed off. "Why's he talking to me. I sometimes think it's because I can sympathize—gardener to gardener—and, between us, I think he gets lonely." Joshua said. "Well, my heart's breaking for him." Ricky said. "Well, can you at least get him a message for us?" Sam asked the angel. "Actually, he has a message for you. Back off." Joshua said. "What?" We all asked. "He knows already. Everything you want to tell him. He knows what the angels are doing. He knows that the Apocalypse has begun. He just doesn't think it's his problem." Joshua said. "Not his problem?" Millie asked. "God saved you already. He put you on that plane. He brought back Castiel. He granted you salvation in heaven and after everything you've done too. It's more than he's intervened in a long time. He's finished. Magic amulet or not, you won't be able to find him." Joshua said. "But he can stop it. He can stop all of it." Ricky said. "I suppose he could, but he won't." Joshua said. "Why not?" Sam asked. "Why does he allow evil in the first place? You could drive yourself nuts asking questions like that." Joshua said. "So he's just going to sit back and watch the world burn?" I asked. "I know how important this was to you, all. I'm sorry." Joshua said. "Forget it. Just another dead-beat dad with a bunch of excuses, right. I'm used to that. I'll muddle through." Dean said. "Except... you don't know if you can, this time. You can't kill the Devil, and you're losing faith, in yourself, your brother, and now this? God was your last hope. I just... I wish I could tell you something different." Joshua said. "How do we know you're telling the truth?" I asked. "You think that I would lie?" Joshua asked. "It's just that... you're not exactly the first angel we've met." Sam said "I'm rooting for you all! I wish I could do more to help you, I do! But... I just trim the hedges." Joshua said. "So what now." Kara asked. "You go home again. I'm afraid this time, won't be like the last. This time, God wants you to remember." Joshua said. "Goodbye Mae and remember you can visit my heaven anytime it would be fun to kick ass with you." She said. I hugged her goodbye. There was a whooshing sound and we were now in the motel. We looked and saw now wounds and I had both of my shoes. "You alright?" I asked them. "Great you four are alive." Crystal said rolling her eyes. "Define alright." Dean said. We were packing to leave and Marina and Castiel was in the background. "Maybe... maybe Joshua was lying." Castiel said. "No Joshua trusted me when I got Mae back to earth after her trip to heaven and hell." Marina said. "I don't think he was, Cas. I'm sorry." Ricky said and kissed him. "You son of a bitch. I believed in..." Castiel said to the roof. "We don't need this anymore." Marina said handing the amulet to Dean. "It's worthless." Castiel said they left. "We'll find another way. We can still stop all this, guys." Kara said. "How?" Dean said. "I don't know, but we'll find it. You guys and me, we'll find it." Sam said. We nodded and left the motel. "Well one thing's for sure." Ricky said. "What?" I asked. "Death is just around the corner." Ricky said. "Normally." I said.

A\N:New chapter I had today off of school due to no electricity and I had an app Dollify and made one of Mae, Reece, and Ricky.

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