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I wandered around the halls for a few minutes before nearly crashing into an opening door.

I heard a thud, and spun around to see Miu on the floor, holding her forehead.

I gasped and stuck my hand up, offering to help her up.

She snarled and grabbed my hand, letting me tug her up.

"S-sorry, Miu.. I'm glad to see you," I mumbled wiping my hands on my pants.

"You better watch where you're going," she said grinning, patting me on the back while walking away.

I wonder who's room she just exited. 

I read the name tag, seeing the name 'Kiibo'.

An image I wish I could have forgotten flashed before my eyes.

I walked passed the door swiftly, trying not to imagine what had happened in there.

Then I found it.

The door with Kaede Akamatsu written on it.

I knocked on the door softly before walking in.

Kaede sat on the bed reading, while Kaito and Maki sat on two chairs.

Kaito was rambling about something.

Space or sidekicks, I couldn't tell, and Maki was listening.

Kaede looked up from her book and smiled at me.

"Good morning, Shuichi," Kaede called out, patting the space beside her.

I smiled and sat down, and she began telling me about the book she was reading.

While listening, I couldn't help but think of Kokichi. 

What he said.

What I wish I had said.

"Shuichi? Are you listening?"

I looked up and noticed Kaito looking at me.

When did he get in front of me?

"Huh? What's up?"

"We were going to head to the cafeteria to get a drink, do you want to come?"

I nodded, and stood up.

We walked to the cafeteria, well, I just followed the others.

I had never been, I didn't know where it was.

When we reached it, I noticed several patients spread out around the large hall.

Some were wrapped in casts and bandages, and some were hooked to IVs.

We walked towards the front and ordered four coffees.

Soon enough, we were handed our coffee and started walking to a table.

 That's when I saw him.

He sat alone at one of the tables near the back, looking at his phone and sipping a panta.

I looked at my friends and then back at Kokichi.

"G-guys, I'm gonna go sit with Kokichi.. I hope that's alright."

"It's fine! Go ahead," Kaede beamed.

Kaito and Maki were silent, I could tell that they still didn't like him.

Even if it was all a game.

I grabbed my cup and started walking to his table.

I don't think he had noticed me yet.

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