Authors note

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hi my babes...... </3

ive noticed so many people crying n shit... duh.......... but a lot of people saying that this was their comfort fic, or they wish they had a fic where one of the characters WOULDNT die, so ive taken it into account, and also the fact that im extremely bored and dont know how much longer i can keep living with nothing to do.

SO, ive decided to write another saiouma story, BUT A HAPPY ONE. and when i say that, i truly mean a comfort fic. saiouma is my comfort ship too, as an autistic person, i need things i can lean on when i feel bad, and for me, that thing in some parts is saiouma. so i understand how you guys feel.

also it might seem a bit confusing, it was supposed to be a fluffy fic, even i didnt plan on killing off kokichi, but as i went further and further with the fic, i realized how depressed the kokichi i had written was.

i myself have dealt with depression and suicide a lot, ive lost several friends to it, so i know that it doesnt always have a happy ending. the more i wrote, the more i realized i didnt know how i could make kokichi happy, and that maybe the only way for him to be happy, was through death.

i couldnt find a way to make him happy, while i was writing i realized how much i fed my boredom and depression into his character, i havent found out how to cope, so i couldnt write kokichi happy, when he resembled me so much.

BUT ANYWAYS!! right now, its midnight, im starting the first chapter of my new fanfic, and its gonna be a LEGIT fluffy one, no sad, no sad, its a comfort fic for all of us, and for me. i love you guys <3333 i hope you enjoy the new fic as much as this one

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