All I wanted was you

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tw // suicide


Where am I?

It's dark.

And cramped.

I try and move my arms.

They bump against cold metal, and I jump slightly at the touch.

I'm seemingly in a metal box.

I begin to push against the walls, till one of them slowly creeks open.

I wasn't prepared for that, as as soon as I opened it, I fell face first against the floor.

Looking up, I see something I had never wished to see again.

The classroom.

"No, no, it's just a dream, it's just a dream."

Kaede stood in front of me, staring down.

No, no, this is a dream.

I curled up into a ball and held my head in my knees.

Please wake up.


I opened my eyes again, and the sun shone on my face.

The sun.

I looked around, I was back in the dorm, Kokichi laying on my chest.

When will these dreams stop.

The clock read six am, but I felt wide awake, so I decided to just scroll through my phone.

Kokichi stirred slightly, and I looked back down at him.

His hair was freshly cut, and to be honest it looked really great.

It was a bit shorter than it was...

During the game.

I watched YouTube for a bit before rolling out of bed, too bored to stay any longer, but luckily, it didn't wake Kokichi up.

He had been so sad recently.

I don't know what it was.

What had been happening?

Is he okay?

I'm scared that he'll... Try doing that thing again.

I shook my head, trying to convince myself that he's better now, and headed out of the dorm after getting dressed, to buy some breakfast.

It's Monday.

I have class later, but it's so early, I don't even have to think about getting ready yet.

While standing in front of the drinks section, I felt someone bump against my shoulder.

I turned around swiftly, so I could apologise.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't-"

Oh, it's Kaede.

"Kaede, what are you doing up so early," I asked, turning back around to find a drink.

"Miu fell asleep super early, and I couldn't focus on anything with her snoring, so I just went to bed with h- yeah, I went to bed," She said, blushing slightly.

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