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I woke up in a cold sweat.

My blanket was warm yet slightly damp.


I jolted up and looked around.

I sat in a large room.

It was dark, and the only light came from the moon shining through the blinds.

Where am I.

Where am I.

Where am I.

Where am I.

Just as I was about to scream, I looked to my side and saw Shuichi. 

He was laying on a separate bed beside mine.


Was it mine?

Then I remembered what happened yesterday.

We were supposed to move to this dormitory, but I'm guessing I fell asleep somewhere in between.

Ever since I started taking the medication, my memory has been bad and I often forget things that happened a few hours before falling asleep.

I decided to stand up and look around. 

If this was my dorm, I would like to see a bit of it.

I tiptoed around the room.

There was a small kitchen and a couch.

In front of the couch stood a TV that softly let out a white noise. It annoyed me, but you could only hear it when you were within a meter of it.

There were two doors, yet on of them had a lock from where I could see it, so I assumed that one was the exit and the other was a bathroom.

I walked towards the bathroom and slowly opened the door, shutting it swiftly behind me.

I flipped on the light and stared at my reflection in the mirror.

My brain felt empty.

In a bad way.

Not a light, free type of empty.

It felt missing.

I tried focusing on what happened yesterday.

What happened?

The last thing I remember is sitting in the cafeteria with...


Oh yeah.

Shuichi asked me to be friends with him.

I know that happened, because...

I pulled out my phone and looked at my paypal.

100 dollars had been sent to it.

Because after that, he asked me to be friends with him.

And I said yes.

Did I mean it?

Did he mean it?

God, I don't know.

I looked back at the mirror, and pushed my hair back.

It was getting nearly shoulder length.

I pulled it back with a hair tie and turned off the light. 

I stood in the doorway for a few seconds, letting my eyes adjust to the darkness so I wouldn't hit anything, then walked back to my bed.

I walked past Shuichi and silently slipped into my bed.

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