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(i just really like that song idk)


My cheeks turned red as the smaller boy clung onto my waist.

After simply standing there for a few moments, I lifted my arms and wrapped them around his shoulders.

I leaned in further and rested my chin on his head.

We stayed like that for a bit before he pulled back.

"W-We should head out to the cinema," he said.

It might have been me, it might have been the light but I swear I saw him blush.

I nodded and changed my clothes, noticing they were stained in blood.

I had already planned to go to the dry cleaners tomorrow.

The floor was still damp, as I had just mopped it, so I pulled off my shirt and tugged on a fresh sweatshirt.

I turned around to see Kokichi staring at me, but he then spun back around to put on his shoes.

I pulled up my sweatshirt slightly to look at my stomach.

Was I fat?

I wouldn't say I was built strongly, but I did have defined abs, though they weren't that visable.

So maybe he looked at me for a different reason.

I pulled on my shoesand started explaining to Kokichi how we would get there.

We decided on taking the bus a few stops to the mall, because I didn't really want Kokichi to be walking in his condition.

As soon as we stepped outside, we realized it was raining, so I dashed back in to grab an umbrella. 

We walked side by side to the bus stop, not saying much.

"What movie did you pick out in the end," he asked, while we stood at the bus stop.

"Uh, it's called Forgotten.. It's a thriller, but I saw lot's of reviews saying that it's kind of scary, or at least dark."

The bus pulled up in front of us, and we hopped on.

We were only going to ride for two stops, so we sat near the front.

I explained the trailer a bit, and he started rambling about cool thrillers he's seen.

I didn't really understand a thing he said, I just felt.. So happy.


Being lost in my thoughts nearly caused me to miss the stop.

We ran out of the bus, and through the rain, deciding it wasn't worth opening the umbrella for.

We had bought our clothes here earlier this week, so we knew our way around.

The movie would start in ten minutes, so we rushed up to the ticket booth and printed them out.

Then, we ordered snacks.

Kokichi obviously got two bottles of panta, while I just got nachos for us to share.

We walked into the theater the movie was showing, and I searched for our seats.

I looked around the theater.


There were..

Only couples seats...

And the theater was full of couples.

Luckily in the dark, Kokichi wouldn't have seen the blush creep up to my cheeks.

"U-Uh, we're sitting over here," I said, grabbing his wrist and pulling him with me.

We sat down in the middle near the back.

The 'couple seats' were basically two seats without a leaner in the middle.

We sat next to each other, and our shoulders were pressed together.

Then the movie started.


It was indeed dark, but thrilling. 

I noticed how Kokichi was basically at the edge of his seat more than once.

Nearly halfway through the movie, I felt him lean against my shoulder.

My cheeks felt warm, and my heart nearly sprung out of my chest.


His hand rested on my thigh, and the other one was stealing nachos.

It was...


At the end of the movie, Kokichi started rambling about the characters and the whole plot.

He seemed to have really liked it.

I feel like we both did.

Maybe I was lucky that that movie was showing in the cinema.

We took the bus home, and the whole time Kokichi just kept on talking about the movie.

It was dark, and the rain was still pouring, but there was this sparkle in his eyes that seemed so beautiful.

When we reached the dorm, we put on our pyjamas and went to bed.

The same bed.

With him cuddled up against my chest, and my arms wrapped around his body.

Except this time it didn't seem awkward, the mood wasn't tense.

It was nice.


ello. its me. me. yeah. anyways,, this was a short filler chapter bcuz ive been uninspired recently, but basically soon the 'school' will start. also yes, forgotten is a real movie, its a korean thriller and i love it so much. truly a plottwist and i may or may not have screamed because of how good it was. i definitely recommend watching it. anyways, bcuz im bored im just gonna talk a bit because i have no friends. i havent updated in three days, and my excuse is yesterday i was hanging out with my friend and we got drunk, very fun and uhhhh thats the only excuse i have. anyways, i hope you enjoyed!! take care and stay safe, i luv u all <3 -teeth

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