I promise I care

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The day after next was our first day at school. 

Our first lessons.

Our first day back to being normal teenagers.

That morning I put on the cleanest clothes I had.

My first class was at nine, and luckily me and Kokichi were together for that class.

We headed out after having some cereal, and walked towards the school building.

It was really confusing, and large.

Honestly I'm surprised we weren't late.

Maybe it was luck.

We entered the classroom ten minutes before it's initial starting time, and Kokichi was not happy.

"I could've slept in," He groaned sitting down and leaning his head on the table.

"Well, it's too late for that now," I chuckled, ruffling his hair.

He had put it in a bun today, and I immediately regretted messing with it.

He shot up and glared at me.

I whistled and pretended to look around, that's when I noticed a group of people staring at us.

I looked away from them, and to my surprise Kokichi was standing up.

"What are you punks looking at," he said in a deep voice.

That was obviously a lie. 

He didn't care.

He loves attention.

Two girls giggled, and the group turned away and started whispering.

Kokichi sat back down beside me and put his hands behind his head.

"What was that about," I asked.

He shrugged and leaned over, grabbing a pen from my backpack.

I heard the whispers grow louder, and spun around.

Now multiple groups of people were whispering and staring at us.

I looked back at Kokichi who was scribbling things on a piece of paper.

Peeking over his shoulder, I noticed him writing 'revenge, dice, betrayal' over and over again.

What the fuck.

I hope he's just messing around.

"Excuse me?"


I turned around to see a boy and girl standing in front of me.

"You're Shuichi Saihara, right," the boy asked.

I nodded.

"It's so great to meet you! I watched the killing game every day after school, and to finally meet you in person... It's an honor, truly."

An honor.. To meet me?

"Yeah! The fact that the winners of the 53rd season are in our school? It's incredible," the girl piped up.

A small circle started to form around me.

"We have a lot of ultimates in our class, but your ultimate.. It's incredible," someone exclaimed.

"W-Well I wouldn't say that... I'm more of a detective in training.."


A loud sound came from behind me, and Kokichi spoke up.

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