Chapter Four

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"Wow this place is enormous!" I breathed stepping onto the stage at the arena, "yeah imagine what its going to be like full of people" monte said. "Urgh dont remind me" I said, "stop winding him up you asshole" ashley said punching his arm. "Ok lets rehearse we dont have long! adam instructed as we set everything up and went through the set list completely.

By the time we were done it was nearly 4 oclock, "show starts in a few hours I guess we better let them set stuff up" ashley said. Adam was sitting on the edge of the stage with his phone in his hand when a figured walked in, a blonde figure with grey/blue eyes. Sauli, I stood up as my fists balled at me sides. "Why is he here" I said under my breath, "tommy dont" adam whispered.

"Why not he has no right to be here" I said stepping forward as adam held out his arm to stop me, "let me talk to him you guys go get ready" adam ordered. I walked past sauli and gave him an evil glare "upset him and i'll punch you got it pretty boy" I hissed. Ashley grabbed my arm and pulled me away leaving adam and sauli alone.

Adam POV

"What do you want sauli you have no reason to be here" I said crossing my arms. "I came to tell you im sorry I made a mistake" he answered, "its a little too late for that sauli" I replied. "But adam I love you every couple has its problems we can work through this" he said reaching for my arms as I stepped back. "No sauli we cant you ripped my heart out and stomped all over it im done with being hurt im not a toy you can play with I have feelings" I said as pure shock fell over his face.

"Fine if thats what you want, fuck it im done. You know Ive never loved you right, you were just a bit of fun" he said turning round. Tears stung my eyes as I swallowed, Tommy appeared next to me. "Adam what did he do to you?" he asked, I couldnt get the words out as tommy took one look at my face and ran for sauli. "That fucking little prick oi sauli what the fuck is your problem!" he shouted, "Im not the one with the problem sweetie hes the slut" he shouted back.

Tommy pov

"Thats it you nasty little worm" I shouted running into him and shoving him to the ground, "dont you dare say that shit you nasty piec of scum thats my best friend youre talking to" I said grabbing his hair. He shoved me off and pinned me to the floor, "he was easy" he said as I punched him in the face.

He dabbed at the blood and swung for me as I ducked and shoved him into the wall, "tommy what the hell leave him alone!" ashley yelled as she ran towards us followed by monte. "Go on then hit my you crazy bitch" sauli said as I grabbed his collar. "Dont tempt me" I warned as he laughed and spun round throwing me to the ground. I scrambled up and ran towards him as he turned round and punched me almost knocking me to the ground.

"Break it up!" ashley yelled as I swung for him, she grabbed me and pinned my hands to my sides. "Get out! Go back to finland and never come back here again" monte warned as sauli laughed and walked out. "Come on lets get you cleaned up" adam said taking my arm, "im sorry adam but he had it coming" I whispered as he ignored me. We sat in silence as he wiped my face with water and cotton wool, "dammit adam I said im sorry please just talk to me!" I shouted jumping up from the chair as the water toppled onto the carpet.

"Tommy I know ok, he deserved it but you got hurt in the process just look at your face" he said holding a mirror up to me. "Its not that bad makeup will cover it" I said shrugging, "your such a wild cat in a fight tommy pulling his hair was a nice touch though" he said. "Yeah well, what did he say to you adam?" I asked.

"Nothing" he replied, I lifted his chin up with my fingers. "Dont lie to me I can see it in your eyes" I answered, "he told me he never loved me. After all that time he was lying the guy is a dick" he said angrily. "Its ok come on fuck him lets get our glitter on for tonight everything will work out in the end I know it" I said as he smiled.

A few hours later..

"Hey babe is everything alright?" I asked ellie who was on skype, "yeah everything is fine" she said half heartedly. "I can see thats not true whats happened are you hurt?" I asked, "no nothing like that. Look if I knew something that could make or break something do you think I should tell the person involved?" she asked. "Well I guess so I mean if its playing on your mind why whos it about?" I questioned. "Us, look tommy I have something I have to tell you and you might not like it" she told me.

"Ok youre scaring me now please tell me" I said, "im pregnant youre going to be a dad" she said as adam called me. "Say something please" she said, "Erm well thats cool I guess but I need to go " I said. "You are happy arent you?" she questioned, "of course its great news" I said smiling enthusiastically. "Phew I thought you would freak out anyways good luck tonight sweetie break a leg we love you" she said. "Yeah love you too" I said ending the call and putting my head in my hands.

"Come on Tommy lets go" adam said as I looked up, "hey whats wrong?" he asked. "Nothing its all good just getting a slight headache thats all lets go kick butt" I said as we headed for the stage. It was dark as I tried not to fall up the steps as I took my place on stage with everyone. The lights went up as we played and the crowd went crazy, we played all th songs from the new album.

Normally I would be watching adam but I had other things on my mind, how can I be a dad at 21 years old! Im prety much a kid myself, this cannot seriously be happening I cant handle this right now. I tried to take my mind off it by focusing my attention on adam as the interval could not come quick enough. The lights dimmed as I placed my guitar on its stand and headed out the back door, I paced the floor as I gasped for air.

I cant be a dad, not now im too young. I cant look after a helpless little child no this is crazy, tommy breath ok just breathe I thought to myself as my hands went clammy. I ran my fingers through my hair as I paced the floor, seriously just no. "Tommy?" a voice said as I carried on pacing the floor, "tommy hey stop" adm said his blue eyes meeting mine.

"I cant breathe, I cant breathe" I said as he held me still. "Ok Tommy its ok look at me copy what I do" he said breathing deeply as I struggled to copy him. "Come on tommy focus" he said as my breathing eventually slowed down and went back to normal. I slid to the floor and pulled my knees up to my chest and laid my head on them.

"Thats the first time youve had a panic attack in 4 months whats happened" he said. "Nothing, nothing happened" I said breathlessly as I slowly rocked back and forth. "Nohthing doesnt get you in this state dont you dare lie to my thomas joseph ratliff" he said, "shes pregnant adam ellies pregnant" I said as I let out a shaky sigh.

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