Imagine (Them as your partner)

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Bang Chan:

. Calls you baby girl/baby boy
. Loves to give you hugs and kisses
. Spoils his songs for you or maybe even lets you listen to full songs. 
. Gets flustered and mad when he sees any guy trying to make a move on you.
. Lets you help him write songs or even produce it.
. Only wants to see you happy since he hates to see you sad or angry.

Lee know:

. This man LOVES to tease you, both verbally and sexually(since he's meanhoe jk jk).
. He cares for you A LOT. though it may not seem like it. 
. Protects you from literally every guy that comes close to you.
. Shows his affection by baby-ing you. Doesn't let you wear anything revealing.
. Likes to give hugs or even cuddle for hours.
. Finds you very fascinating and interesting.


. Considers you as one of his priorities.
. Loves having deep conversations with you from time-to-time.
. Treats you well and spoils you.
. Invites you to the studio often and shows you how tracks and songs are made.
. You're one of his secret inspirations while writing songs.
. Loves make-out sessions and likes it when you cuddle with or hug him.


. Calls you baby or jagiya
. Loves staring at your face and appreciating your facial features until you catch him.
. You both would wear matching clothing and take cute photos together.
. Lets you sit on his lap and cuddle with him.
. Finds it very cute when you try being dominant. You make him smile/ laugh easily.
. Admires how independent and responsible you can be. 


. He is OBSESSED with you, he's the closest you can get to your no.1 fan.
. Knows you very well, your likes, dislikes and many more.
. Loves to cheer you up with "Aegyo"
. Compliments and praises when you're sad.
. Gives you kisses anywhere he can.
. Loves it when you play with his hair and give tiny massages.


. You both have a "friends with benefits" relationship. You are extremely close friends that really love each other.
. There is no awkward tension between the both of you. You both love acting like crackheads together.
. Like Han, Felix knows a lot about you and so do you about him.
. You spend a lot of time together doing nothing but just talking and cuddling.
. Loves cooking/baking with you and putting flour on you face.
. You can be honest without hurting each other. You stay loyal to each other no matter what.


. He is a prankster and you are his partner in crime
. You both love pulling pranks on each other and the other members.
. Loves to kiss and cuddle you
. Loves talking to you and understanding you and appreciates it when you understand him.
. Allows you on his vlive livestreams.
. Loves to show PDA in studio to disgust the members, or make them jealous.


. You'd always cause him to be a blushing mess. You'd be one too, cause it's Jeongin.
. He likes it when you call him baby. Calls you his cutie if you're younger or noona if you're older.
. Lets you be dominant, cause he loves it.
. Playing instruments and singing with you, even if you're not good at it. You both just have fun.
. Likes to receive a lot of cuddles, hugs and kisses from you.

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