Felix-fluff/crack (A little smut-ish)

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Trigger warning: Abuse mentions
Y/n and her boyfriend, Felix, were sat cuddling in his dorm's living room couch on a Sunday afternoon while binge watching "RuPaul's Drag Race" on Netflix and appreciating the iconic behaviors of the drag queens. Being in a relationship for five months has been kinda like and experiment for the both of them.

After the end of Season 5

Y/n: Felix?
Felix: Yes love?
Y/n: Would you ever do drag?
Felix: HELL YEAH! I'd love to be considered an Icon.
Y/n: You know you'd have to wear a shit-ton of makeup and high heels right?
Felix: Well babe I can handle the makeup, high heels and drama.
Y/n: Hehe. Okay so, what would your drag name be then?
Felix: Maybe, Lixie Sunshine.
Y/n: Oh not bad babe *looks down*
Both: *Continue watching drag race*

A few moments later

Felix: Isn't it getting hot in here?
Y/n: A little?
Felix: Don't mind me I'll just take my jumper off, is that okay?
Y/n: Yeah sure.
Felix: *Removes jumper, leaving him in a white tank top* 

Y/n's POV:

Is this the same Felix that was cuddling with me? I thought while playing with my fingers. He just hits different. The tank top was see-through so I could see his abs. Wow just, wow. It just makes him kinda hot. Damn, he always surprises me. I just feel lucky to have a hot and cute angel next to me. I am still kinda shy in front of him since it takes time for me to get used to someone. I was snapped from my thoughts when Felix waved his hand in front of my face. 

Felix: Babe, you okay?
Y/n: Yeah.
Felix: *pulls Y/n closer*don't you feel hot dear?
Y/n: A little, yeah
Felix: Why don't you take of your hoodie?

Y/n's eyes widened at the male's response. She got flustered by it. What should I do?, What should

Y/n: *mumbles* I am not wearing a shirt underneath
Felix: What is it love?
Y/n: I am not wearing a shirt underneath
Felix: Oh that's okay I won't judge, you just look really uncomfortable in that hoodie. Besides, I am your boyfriend now, we should get comfortable with each other's presence aight?

Y/n's POV:

What he said was true after all I shouldn't be afraid of him. Lixie won't hurt me right? I took of my hoodie and covered my breasts with my hands, still revealing the bruises I've been baring everyday. Felix stared at me with a somewhat disappointed but sympathetic look, which made me quite uneasy. His eyes started tearing up before he turned the TV off and pulled me into a tight hug. His affection made me tear up a little.

Felix: I'm so sorry babe, I didn't want to pressurize you. I'm sorry I didn't know*sniffles*
Y/n: Oh Lix, don't cry it's not your fault, it's mine, I put it on myself.
Felix: C'mon Y/n be honest with me, please trust me, I will always support you. I want to know who's been hurting my girl. I won't spare that person.
Y/n: It was my father but anyway, it doesn't matter Lix, I told you it's my fault
Both: *pull off of each other*

  Y/n's POV
"You should really stop blaming yourself, it's not good for you babe. It's not your fault. Remember that you are a human being, no one should be able to take advantage of a person like you or any one" Felix said as he stroked my jawline. "I'm sorry Lix, it's just that, I feel uncomfortable talking about this. I've just always felt unsafe around men till I challenged myself to find someone as a partner, by the command of my therapist. I just want to forget about the past since I can't change it now and focus on having a better future. After all, I have you and many amazing people guiding me in life these days. I gotta say I've been doing fine" I said while meeting his eyes with mine. " Y/n, I'm sorry didn't know what to say. I was disappointed for a brief moment, but you're right 'll stop. But still, I care for you a lot and, don't be afraid to ask me for help okay, I love you and I want you to be safe and sound my beautiful brave Y/n" He said before kissing my forehead and pulling me into a hug. "Thanks Lix, I love you too, and I want you to be happy forever cause you deserve the world" I said looking up to him and wiping his tears with my thumb before he started leaving a trail kisses on my face and jawline. "Aww babe stop, you're such a flirt" He said between kisses. "You started it baby boy" I replied before he placed his lips on mine in a deep kiss.

He laid Y/n on the couch and they both continued to make out for a while. Lix left a few hickies on Y/n's neck. The room was just filled with the sounds of  "OHH LIX, STOP!", moaning, and giggles. "You're so, so beautiful" He said between kisses while caressing her boobs before Y/n flipped Lix over so that she hovered him and gave him love bites on his collar bones. He kept groaning and pulling on Y/n's hair, which encouraged her more since she likes being the dom sometimes. A few moments later the others entered the dorm.

Seungmin: Guys why do I hear groaning, is Lix okay?
Hyunjin: I'm not sure about that but I think it's coming from the living room.
Seungmin: Okay, let's go there.
All of Skz except Felix: *walk in on Y/n and Felix getting it on*
Jeongin: *Dolphin screams* Oh MY Poor VIRGIN EYes!

Felix and Y/n get off of each other while Y/n hid behind the couch. 

Felix: *Pretends to act like nothing happened*"Oh hi guys, you're here, early"
Chan: Felix, we saw you with making out with Y/n, and Y/n we know you're behind the couch.

"Oh hi Chan" Y/n waved from behind the couch before wearing her hoodie and popping up.

Hyunjin: Aww Y/n is so adorable. You are one lucky guy Lix.
Felix: Hey don't hit on her, she's mine!, go get your own girl. I'm sorry bout that babe.
Y/n: Oh that's okay.
Hyunjin:  You need to calm down bitch, Y/n doesn't mind it, so you shouldn't either.
Felix: *Facepalms*
Seungmin: But still ewwww you two should go get a room.
Felix: Shut up mate, why are you acting like you saw us fuck?, we were just kissing.
Chan: More like cursing our poor baby's virgin eyes. Y/n was freaking topless!
Skz : *Agree in unison*
Changbin: Lix, you don't love me anymore?*Sad face*
Felix: Changbin Hyung, Changlix is just a ship our fans created.
Changbin: No, CHANGLIX IS REAL!!!

To be continued.................

Hi y'alls so this is my first fluff chapter, sorry if it's cringe lol, I'm not good at writing fluff or in general but I tried and I hope you like it. Hehe goodbye Y'alls

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