Imagine (If 5sos met Stray kids Pt.1)

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I love 5sos and SKZ but.... what would happen if they meet each other? Let's find out.

5sos: *arrive in South Korea*
Calum: Wow, how long has it been since we've been here?
Luke: Most probably a year? I think
Calum: Yeah right haha
Ashton: Guys, do you want to look around the city now or shall we do it tomorrow morning?
Michael: Let's do it now, besides we're not that tired since we slept in the plane.
Luke: Yeah, let's catch a cab and look around shall we?
Ashton: Aight then. *waves at cab*
5sos: *Get in* 
Ashton: Aight where do we go?
Luke: I heard that there are dog cafe in Seoul, I'd like to go there.
Michael: That's a good idea mate.
Calum: I'm in.
Ashton: *looks at driver* Silyehajiman, Yeongeo halsu isseyo?
Calum, Luke, and Michael: *thinking* What the hell is he saying? *stare at Ashton*
Driver: Yes, I do *rolls his eyes*
Ashton: Oh great, can you take us to the nearest dog cafe? please.
Driver: Okay, young man.
a while later.....
5sos: *Enter the cafe*

Felix's POV: 

I heard the door open as I was sitting surrounded by a bunch of puppies. I decided to ignore it because a lot of people visit this cafe during the weekend to see cute dogs. I got pounced on by Bowie, the name I gave to a Golden retriever in the cafe. He started licking my face as I struggle under him. "Bowie, hajima" I said before he stopped licking me. We cuddle on the floor for a while till I saw four men walking to a table in front of mine, looking at me before sitting. They were all freakishly tall, handsome, and looked very familiar. I heard one of them speak. "OMG they are Aussies" I thought while recognizing their accents. Then I heard something. "Luke we're in a band, don't ruin our reputation" one of them said. "Luke?? OMG it's 5sos, that's why they looked familiar!" I whispered-yelled to choco, one of the puppies but didn't know how loud I actually was. I ended up grabbing Ashton's attention and he looked at me. "Excuse me, young man do you know us? He asked while smiling at me. The others looked at me and I could feel myself blushing, they're all so handsome in person! "Yes, I do know your band, you guys are great" I said confidently making them smile. "You speak English well" he stated. "Thanks, I'm actually from Australia" I said to him. "What? no way, your accent is so on point, I feel bad now" Michael said before I tittered at his response. I can't believe I'm talking to Michael freaking Clifford right now! is this real life? "What's your name mate?" Calum asked me. "Oh it's Felix" I responded. "Wait a minute, are you Lee Felix from Stray Kids?" Michael asked, which reminded me that I was an idol. "Yup, I am from Stray Kids" I replied. "Oh we're so sorry, we didn't recognize you since you're barefaced" Luke apologized. "No it's okay, I'm still not used to the fame yet" I replied. "Okay Felix, would you like to join us?" Calum asked. "Am I stuck in a fanfic I read last night or is this real life?" I questioned again but didn't turn down the opportunity and sat next to Luke as he made some space for me. I legit look like a child next to them, they're all so manly but, I love it. 

Felix: So, you guys wanna order something?
Ashton: Yeah sure.
Felix took all of their orders and went to the cafe counter to order
He looked up from his phone to catch me staring at Luke.
Michael: You're so cute Felix, especially your freckles.
Felix: Oh thanks
Luke: You're right about that. Can I like, hug you? *looks at Felix*
Felix: Yeah sure, take me in your broad arms *giggles*.
Luke: If you say so cutie *chuckles* *hugs Felix and pecks his cheek*
Luke: *lets go of Felix*
Felix: Do you normally kiss your fans?
Luke: Yeah, I mean, Anything for a fan hehe.
Calum, Ashton, and Michael: *Agree in unison*
Felix: That's cool *Starts texting in SKZ group chat*

                                   SKZ GROUP CHAT

Felix: Hello y'alls, are you all online?


         Hello? anyone there?


                                                       Hyunjin: What do you want Yongbok?

                                                       Chan: Yeah, what do you want baby?
                                                                      What do you want?

Minho: byeorui byeolgeon manha geunde da byeollo!
                byeore byeolgeon mana geunde da ballo!

Felix: Guys, are you seriously going to text with the lyrics of "Any"?

                                                        Chan: We're sorry, what were you saying again?

Felix: Okay, to keep it short, you know the dog cafe I'm at right now?

                                                                                                                Chan: Yeah

Felix: 5sos are in the cafe with me right now and they invited me to sit with them. I'm sitting         next to Luke Hemmings ATM.

                                          Chan: What?! No! Seriously. tell me more. Are they still there? If they are,                                                          I'm coming, don't spare them. I'll be there in about 20 minutes.

Seungmin: Hey, wait for me. I'm one of their biggest fans!

Felix: Chill, chill, they're still there. I actually want all of  you to come and greet them now! Also Seungmin, not to brag but, I received  a hug and kiss from the one and only Luke Hemmings hehe (¬‿¬)

Seungmin: You got lucky. Aight, I'm dragging Hyunjin, Jeongin, Han, Changbin Hyung, and Lee Know Hyung with me out of the dorm, I can't wait to meet them.

Felix: Now that's the spirit, come fast! You too Chan Hyung!

                                                                                           Chan: Got it mate 👍


Felix: Guys?
5sos: *respond in unison*
Felix: I hope you don't mind but I've invited my group members here because they've always been eager to meet you.
Luke: Yeah sure we won't mind meeting them. I can't wait to meet Chris and the others.
Felix: I'm sure you won't be disappointed by Chan, he's an amazing leader.
Ashton: He must be very special to you especially since you both are Aussies
Felix: Well, you are not wrong. He is very special.

To be continued.................

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