Crack #6

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A/n: I haven't done crack in a while so if this sucks, sorry.

Felix: *prepares coffee in just an oversized t-shirt*
Hyunjin: *walks towards the kitchen and stares at Lix incredulously*
Felix: *turns around, screams and covers crotch with hand* OH MY GOD YOU PERVERT!! *whisper yells* WhY aRe YoU hErE?!
Hyunjin: I just came for water CALM DOWN. Why are you awake and naked down under?
Felix: That's none of your business and don't you dare go around telling the other members about this encounter.
Hyunjin: Why would I?... wait, did you sleep with someone last night?
Felix: That's none of your business!
Hyunjin: Oh please don't tell me it was Changbin Hyung.
Felix: *Stares at Hyunjin with wide eyes* No waaaaay.
Hyunjin: Is it Chan Hyung, Minho Hyung?. Oh no, please don't tell me it's Jeongin.
Felix: It is.
Hyunjin: What the hell bro, how dare you steal our baby's innocence, HOW DARE YOU!
Felix: Shush, I didn't mean it that way pervert, I would never!. We were watching a horror movie and our maknae got scared so yeah, I slept with him.
Hyunjin: *sips water*I worry about you more than kkami.
Felix: So, wanna go watch TV?
Hyunjin: Okay. 
Hyunlix: *Goes to the living room and sits on couch*
* A few minutes later*
Felix: *Holding a box of tissues and crying* How could he just do that to Soo-young*sobs dramatically*
Hyunjin: I know, how dare he, that poor girl.  Pass me some tissues, please. 
Felix: *passes tissues* Here you go.
Hyunjin: Thanks*grabs tissue, sobs dramatically, and wails*. Felix?
Felix: Yeah?
Hyunjin: please go put some pants on it's making me uncomfortable *continues to cry*
Felix: *Chokes* Okay babe *sniffles and kisses Hyunjin's cheek*.
Hyunjin: *rubs cheek harshly*
Chan: *watches from behind*
Felix: *Gets up from the couch and turns around to see Chan* OH MY GOD! *Covers crotch again*
Chan: *walks away and mumbles* I don't understand these boys but love them. "Being the leader would be fun" They said but I still am in charge of them. *exhales* What is my life?. I am forever traumatized.

A/n: So how was that? I also have some news, I won't writing be as much as I've been doing these past two months. I'd maybe not do it for a few months, weeks, or days depending on how full my plate is since school will be starting tomorrow onwards and I have to study (UGH summer break felt so short I wanna cry). I'll only be writing if I have ideas that I REALLY want to implement so, yeah that's all I wanted to say. GoodBye! and don't forget to take my heartu 🖤 (It's my official thing now, hehe) Love y'all.

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