Aunt Y/n (Imagine)

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Scenario: SKZ are single parents and you being their one of their best friends helps them raise their children. If you were the children's aunt, this is how it would be.

Bang Chan:

. His children adore you, like a lot. You adore them as well. There is a lot of chaos but you like it.
. You're their favorite aunt because you're very fun, caring, and kind. They learn a lot from you. They are comfortable telling you things cause they trust you, and you trust them.
. As they become older, they'd ask their father why he hasn't married you yet since you've been taking care of them for pretty much their whole life. 


. His kids would have mixed feelings about you at first but they don't hate you.
. Minho gets low-key jealous seeing how your relationship with them is very close. The kids would have Minho's sass, which you'd really like.
. As they become older, they'd be supportive of you and look out for you. Minho trusts you completely with them. You'd also go to their parent-teacher conferences with Minho. 


. His kids love you! They consider you their mother though you and Changbin aren't married.
. They constantly ship you and Changbin. They open up to you without feeling anxious or scared, cause they trust you. You have an amazing relationship with them that it makes their friends jealous. You and Changbin do aegyo for them.
. They listen to you cause they find you nice and great at giving advice.


. Hyunjin considers you his second wife, though you're not married. His kids really respect and love you. You UwU when Hyunjin and them would wear matching clothing.
. They'd try outsmart you and you'd pretend to be amazed for their happiness. They have their father's dramatic nature, which you find adorable.
. As they become older, they'd ask why you haven't married their father yet and ship you both to the point their father would apologize.


. You and Han's children love to troll him, for laughs and giggles. You play a lot of games, which would end in tickle wars. Han would join you and the kids at times.
. Han loves to dress them up and make them look all cute. Han's kids are very cheeky, which is your favorite quality about them.
. They'd have unnecessary arguments with their father, which makes your day cause of how funny it can get. You'd also join the banter for fun.


. He would appreciate you a lot because of your help since he could always count on you. His kids pick up many habits of their father such as dancing to K-pop songs at a young age, which you love to encourage them for. They are ICONIC since they're the children of a living meme.
. They love games, whether it's outdoor, indoor or video, they are always up for it. They love you for the emotional support you give and your congenial nature.
. They think you're the coolest aunt since you're easy-going and overall, just great. You're their first best friend.


. His children are pranksters by blood. You'd oblige in pranking their father to get a good laugh. You'd take them to the park a lot.
. They'd like to make fun of you for being a boomer sometimes or roast you to see your sensitive side and you'd just appreciate the sarcasm.
. They have burning love and respect for you because you've helped their father raise them and went through all the chaos. Like they'd just randomly come up to you and hug you or even give you a kiss, which you'd find hella adorable.


. His kids would be good kids. Naive, cute, and very respectful. They look up to you and deserve a lot of affection from you.
. Their father has taught them well when it comes to aegyo. They are just so UwU. When you'd pinch their cheek, they'd do it back to you.
. You'd pretend to be their age cause you're a child at heart and they find you interesting since they can understand and connect with you.

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