The camera (SKZ)(smut-ish/crack)

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Narrator's POV:
Minho had moved into an apartment, with a mysterious roommate. She always seemed busy and barely spoke to him, which got him frustrated. She always stayed in her locked room when she got home from work. His curiosity led him to perform an experiment, an intrusive experiment that his members gave the idea for. For that, he'd bought a miniature camera, put it on recording-mode, and hid it behind a curtain in her room after returning from rehearsals. Little did he know, it was a huge mistake.

Y/n's POV:
I'm so freakin tired today, my dumbass boss is such a bitch, I fucking hate him. He thinks it's okay to actually harass women in front of their co-workers, so fucking unfair! Thank god the day is over, I can't wait to go home, relax, and make myself feel good. As I entered home I greeted Minho and went straight into my room and locked it. "DON'T YOU WANNA EAT LUNCH!" I heard him yell. "I HAVE ALREADY EATEN, THANKS!" I yell back at him. I got undressed and did the usual, humped one of my pillows then touched myself. I whimpered and bit my lips as I did it. I didn't get much pleasure so I decided to rummage into my drawer to see if I could use anything to pleasure myself. I came across this dildo I bought and never used. I unboxed it and started thrusting it in and out of me. Damn, it felt good, which made me a moaning mess.

Minho's POV:
I walk across Y/n's room only to hear her moan and whimper. I ignored it because I just did, I was too tired to be concerned about my surroundings. 

........The next day...........
Since it is the weekend, Y/n usually watches TV or plays video games until 5 am in the living room. I went into her room to pick up the camera and make it stop recording. I left early to visit the practice room to show the members since they were also pretty curious about Y/n's pastime.
I entered the dorm and went into the living room to see all the members. I greeted and intrigued them by talking about my "detective skills". "Okay, let's see what Y/n does in her pastime," Chan said as he attached the wire connected to the camera to his laptop, causing everyone to crowd around him.

Narrator's POV:

The boys surrounded Chan, curiosity rising in the air. "Skip to 4:39, that's when she returned home"Minho said. "Okay" Chan said before forwarding the footage. As the footage played, they all stood there in silence, feeling utterly shocked. They were literally watching a girl stripping in front of them. "Oh no" Han said as he covered I.N's eyes with his hands. "Hey let me watch" I.N protested trying to get Han's hands of his face. "Oh!" they all said in shock when they saw her humping a pillow in only her underwear. They continued to watch her sinful acts, her moans and whimpers started to get them hard. A few minutes later, they saw her thrusting a dildo in and out of her and being a moaning mess. After all of that got over, they all looked at each other in a flustered state. "What the hell just happened?" Hyunjin asked. "I think we just watched Minho Hyung's roommate get horny and pleasure herself. And that has made us all hard." Felix remarked looking at everyone's members poking out. "Alright I gotta go to the bathroom" Changbin said before running. "Uh uh, not so fast" Seungmin said as he chased Changbin. "Okay, since we're all hard let's just stay calm, fap and not judge each other, kay" Chan said making all of the members agree in unison. They all ended up fapping in their rooms, to make sure their boner went away. After they climaxed, Chan deleted the video. The members continued their day like nothing happened. 

Minho: Chan Hyung, do I tell Y/n about this situtaion?
Chan: No need, let's forget it. But never do that again, kay.
Seungmin: I disagree with Chan Hyung, she was so hot, I'd see that again.
Felix: Yeah, I'd want to fuck her and make her whimper "Oh fuck, oh fuck" *imitates Y/n*.
Chan: Shut up boys!, if you're so randy, go watch some porn instead of talking to people.
Felix: Kay then, I'm going for round two, anyone wanna join?
Hyunjin, Seungmin, Han and Changbin: Hell yeah!

To be continued...... hehe  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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