If 5sos met Stray kids Pt.2

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A/n: Words written in bold letters are meant to be in Korean 

Felix: Well, you are not wrong. He is very special.
5sos: *giggle*
SKZ: *arrive*
Felix: *Waves* Over here guys!
Luke: Oh they're your bandmates?
Felix: Yup, they are I'll introduce them to you.
SKZ and Felix: Step out hello we are Stray kids! *cheering sounds*
Luke: Oh hey we are 5sos, if you didn't know.
Seungmin: ARE YOU KIDDING ME?, we obviously know you guys! By the way, I am a big fan.
5sos: *chuckling*
Felix: Oh forgive Seungmin, his inner fanboy jumped out. Anyway, can y'all introduce yourselves?
Chan: Oh okay, Well G'day, I am Bang Chan, the leader of Stray kids, but you can call me Chris, if you like.
Calum: Aight then Chris, its nice to meet you.
Chan: *smiles cutely* you to
Hyunjin: Hello guys, I'm Hyunjin, nice to meet you *bows and waves hand*
Jeongin: Hi I'm I.N, the youngest of SKZ, nice to meet you *bows*
Changbin: Hello I'm baby Changbin. 
Minho: Hi guys I'm Lee Know. *rock hand sign*
Jisung: I'm Han Jisung, Nice to meet y'all *peace sign*
Seungmin: And you know me, I'm Kim Seungmin, but you can call me Seungmin.
5sos: Hi we're 5sos
Luke: We'll introduce ourselves real quick. Hello, I'm Luke Hemmings, I'm the lead singer and rhythm guitarist of 5sos. Annyeonghaseyo, Luke- eyo *Bows head*
Calum: Hi I'm Calum Hood, I'm the bassist of 5sos, nice to meet you all.
Michael: Hi I'm Michael and I like pizza.
Minho, I.N, and Changbin: *whispering to each other in Korean*
Changbin: What happened just now? And what were they saying?
Minho: I don't know, maybe something about Pizza, I stopped paying attention after Luke introduced himself.
I.N: Yeah me too. 
Felix: Oh sorry Ash we didn't let you introduce yourself.
Ashton: That's okay, people forget about me pretty easily. Anyway, I'm Ashton but you can call me Ash and I'm ecstatic to be here *speaks with no enthusiasm*
Luke: *Looks at Ashton* Damn, who spat in you cereal?
Michael: More-like he's on his man-period, forgive him for acting all grumpy *ruffles Ashton's hair*
Felix: Oh we don't mind, we all have those days *winks*
Minho: *rubs eye yawns* Yah can we sit yet?
Felix: Yeah sure *glares at minho gestures to sit on reserved seats*
Luke: Y'all are so tiny and cute, I thought Lix was the only one.
Chan: Oh thanks, we're all fun-sized *coughs* except for Hyunjin
Hyunjin: *awkwardly waves and giggles*
Seungmin: *stands up and sits next to Luke* Luke, can you do me a favor please?
Luke: Yeah sure mate.
Seungmin: Can you give me a kiss on the cheek, just like how you did to Felix?
Luke: Weird request but, okay *Kisses Seungmin's cheek
Hyunjin: OMG Seungluke! I ship it!
I.N: You've been spending way too much time on the internet, please get off of it.
Hyunjin: Ne Sonnniiiiim!
SKZ: DU DU DU!, ige uri tang tang tang DU DU DU DU DU DU! *does God's menu choreography, while sitting*
Calum: Wow that's a good show you've put on. Y'all are good performers.
Chan: Well thank you. Do you mind performing for us as well?
5sos: Sure!
5sos: *imitates instruments while Luke sings "Teeth"*
SKZ: *claps* 
Seungmin: You vocals are amazing Luke.
Luke: Well thanks Kim Seungmin, I've seen you performing with your groupmates on youtube, and I gotta say, you got talent.
Seungmin: *faints*
Felix: And there he goes. 
5sos: *look at Seungmin with a concerned expression*
Felix: Oh don't worry 'bout him, he'll be awake in about *checks non-existent watch* 30 seconds
Ashton: * Checks time on wall clock* Oh sorry to interrupt but we better get going, we have to start playing shows from tomorrow arvo, and we haven't rested yet.
Felix: *gets up* that's Okay, you guys can go and have your rest. Good luck with tomorrow's show
Luke: *stands up* Well thanks Lix, before we go, can we exchange numbers? *Gives phone*
Felix: Yeah sure
Felix and Luke:*take each other's phones and save their number.
Luke: Thank you, and do you have a piece of paper which we can write on?
Felix: *Hands a piece of paper from his notepad*
Luke: *Autographs his name on the paper and writes a message before passing it to the other members*
Calum, Ash, and Michael: *Autographs the paper and gives it to Luke*
Luke: For Seungmin. *hands the paper to Felix* Give it to him when he is conscious.
Felix: Oh thanks.
Luke: Aight we'll be leaving. It was really nice meeting you all *waves and walks toward exit*
Rest of 5sos: *Get up and wave goodbye before walking away*
SKZ: *Yells and wave their goodbyes*
5sos: *finally leave*

--------------A few moments later----------------
SKZ: *Hangout with puppies and have beverages*

A/n: So, how was that? I hope you enjoyed it even if it was crap. This is the last and final part of the If 5sos met Stray kid series since I have so many other ideas that I'd like to portray through my writing

Thank you, and I love y'alls hehe

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