The Korean teacher Pt.2

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"Mr.Hwang... I mean...Hyunjin?" I snapped him out of his thoughts. "Yes, Soohyun" he said before realizing what he has been doing to me. "Oh I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable" He said before he took his hand from my face and continued apologizing. "It's okay" I replied before looking at the clock on the classroom wall. "I gotta go" I said before carrying my bag and running out of the room. 

6 months after the incident

Soohyun's POV:

Oh my, it's been six months since "that incident" happened. I seriously cannot stop thinking about it. Though my Korean has improved a lot, I still feel like Mr.Hwang is trying so hard to ignore me after what had happened. Like if I call out to him in the school hallways to ask him doubts, he just dashes into a random classroom. That encounter occurs so frequently that it has just become irritating. Is he pretending to be all shy towards me now? even after that little moment we shared? now that's just outright mean. I try so hard to control myself but you see, I can't. I just can't stop thinking about him. I...I....I think I've fallen in love with him. I freeze thinking about what I had just thought. No way. The fact that this took me so long to realize is shocking. It has been obvious to me but not to him. I am not sure about his feelings towards me though. I mean, I know he liked me when he patted my hair and caressed my cheek six months ago, but I have no idea about his feelings at the moment. Perhaps he's moved on and even has a partner of his own now. Ugh! what am I going to do? I can't suppress this damn feeling and bottle it up. I really have the urge to show my love and appreciation towards him. I'mma call Yejoon for some help. 

Phone call:

Yejoon: Hey Soohyun! 

                                                                               Soohyun: Hi Yejoon! are you free at the moment?

Yejoon: Yeah I am, I just finished swimming classes.

                                                                                Soohyun: Wow! what a productive life you have. Anyway,                                                                                    I have a bit of an issue.

Yejoon: Tell me about it babe.

                                                                                 Soohyun: You see, it's about Mr.Hwang and-

Yejoon: You like him don't you?

                                                                               Soohyun: What? No, wait how did you know?

Yejoon: You make it seem so obvious. You always silently drool at the sight of him while he's teaching.

                                                                               Soohyun: Oh really, I DROOL!?

Yejoon: Chill gurl, I was joking. But you do stare at him like you're daydreaming about him.

                                                                             Soohyun: Oh phew! I got scared for a moment.

Yejoon: So, what about him hmm? 

                                                                             Soohyun: I just can't stop thinking about him but he keeps                                                                                                    trying to ignore me. What do you think I should                                                                                                        do?

Yejoon: "The things you have thoughts about often are just desires to be fulfilled
                   So to stop such thoughts, one's desires must be implemented and not killed"

                                                                               Soohyun: What do you mean by that? I don't understand?

Yejoon: Take your time to think about it, deeply . Anyway, I got to go my bae's here. 

                                                                               Soohyun: Aight bye I'll think about it, thank you babe                                                                                                                  *hangs up*

Soohyun's POV:

Now, time to think about the weird l quote Yejoon said. Hmmm what could it mean?

Hyunjin's POV:

Ugh! this is the sixteenth time I've fapped thinking about Soohyun. I AM SO FUCKING DISGUSTING! why can't I just control myself?. The way she bites her pretty, plump lips when she's nervous  just makes me wanna make her wrap those lips around me. Oh how good would that feel. Fucking her beautiful face while calling her a "little slut" is so arousing. Making her moan and whimper while I eat her out or fuck her. I continued rubbing myself before having a second orgasm wash over me. I stare at the mess. Damn, single life is sooo freaking boring. This is exactly the reason why I've been ignoring her along with the situation that happened six months ago. I am pretty sure I've creeped her out already. I can't bear to look at her innocently after the thoughts I have every night. Ugh, I need therapy. I'll think about it tomorrow *yawns and falls asleep*

Soohyun's POV:

Aight It's bed time and I am still thinking about what Yejoon said while recalling the quote. I'm quite dumb when it comes to deciphering lines of poems but I'mma trust her on this one and listen to her case she's a very wise person at times, more like 20% wise 80% chattermouth, smartie, and talented. Aight so "The things you have thoughts about often are just desires to be fulfilled. So to stop such thoughts, one's desires must be implemented and not killed" hmm wait I think I GOT IT! This gives me and idea to do something risky. I am going to try asking Mr.Hwang out. I know I might get rejected but I am used to that crap. Aight, I'mma execute my plan tomorrow and make sure that MOFO doesn't ignore me. I will make sure he looks into my damn eyes as we have a serious-ass conversation. Okay so I'm gonna sleep now, I don't wanna be late for tomorrow's execution of Project "Hwang Hyunjin I'mma not spare you until you give me some damn attention". I might change that name later since I've run out of ideas and I'm hella tired *yawns and falls asleep*

to be continued............................

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