The Korean teacher Pt.1(Hyunjin one-shot)

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This one's gonna suck, but I'mma write it anyway hehe

 Soohyun's POV:

Ugh, another regular day, to go to hell. I'm so freaking depressed these days. The fact that I have to go to school for six hours, then go for remedial lessons for about three more hours and come back home in the evening since my grades be dropping lower than the Mariana Trench. And to add the cherry on top to my stress level, I have homework every single fucking day and every single fucking subject! Like can't I please breath, I want to have at least one day when I can just sleep and not think about shit and get nervous. Aight, so I checked the time and OH FUCK  I only had 30 minutes to get ready. I brushed my teeth and showered quickly before putting on my uniform. I am hella sleep deprived but do I have a choice?! No. Aight, I'm gonna head out of the door.

Time skip.....................

I entered the school building and went into my classroom. I was met by one of my best friend Yejoon. Yejoon is a bit of a weirdo that loves obsessing over Kpop groups but still somehow manages to get amazing grades. LIKE HOW? She's also quite good looking, totally out of topic but I had to say it. She isn't popular but she's amazing, she controls her own life and seems independent and I often get compared to her by mum and dad but I never minded it. We both spoke for a while before getting seated. The first period was Korean. Great, just Great! I thought I had low self esteem but why not make it lower? You see, I'm a native Korean and have only been living in Korea for a year now. I was born and raised in the US for a huge part of my life and had to come here as my dad received a job offer. Incase you wondered, my English name is Ashley. I'm fluent in English but my Korean is aw hell nah honey! I can only say a few phrases fluently and butcher the pronunciation of almost everything I read. And my Hangeul writing is just fucked up. My Korean teacher, Mr. Kim, couldn't read it and forced me to rewrite everything, by that I mean EVERYTHING! and it still wasn't better "Please be a substitution period" I prayed in my seat with full of hope until the whole class got interrupted by the school's supervisor walking towards the classroom door. Everyone in the class stood up and wished "Good morning" before sitting back down. She wished us back and started to announce something. "Well class, I'm here to inform you about your Korean teacher, He has had and accident while driving to school and won't be able to initiate lessons for a few months since the injuries are very severe. Your new Korean teacher, Mr. Hwang will take over and start teaching you, have a nice day students!" She said before leaving classroom as we wished her again. Then entered a tall stranger, who was dressed formally in a suit. His blond hair is quite long and his face, very pretty. "Is he a new student?" I thought to myself feeling confused but was also thinking about ways to become friends with him. "Good morning class" He said before the whole class stood up and bowed to wish him. "I'm Mr. Hwang, but you can call me Hyunjin since I am not that old compared to you" He introduced before chuckling, which everyone found quite amusing. Just by that line, he seems like someone who doesn't really mind joking around, you know what I mean? He seems nice. "Ok Hyunjin, HOW OLD ARE YOU!" Felix, one of my friends, shouted teasingly from the back of the class. "I'm 23" he replied honestly. Wow this dude, is a CHILL dude and pretty young. I could hear the girls and boys behind me thirst over him and I don't blame them, he's really attractive. "Alright students Open your textbooks to page no. 193" He said before sitting on the teachers desk. I didn't understand what he said then so I decided to ask Yejoon to translate what he had said since she knows English.

Hyunjin's POV:

I sat myself on the teachers table and looked up to see two girls chatting in the front row. I got up to the both of the leaned in front of them with my hands on the table. "What are you girls doing?" I interrogated them not breaking my gaze on them. "Oh sir, Soohyun here is foreigner, she struggles in Korean sometimes so I was trying to translate what you told us" One of the girls said pointing to the one sitting next to her. "And what's your name darling?" I asked her before she blushed. "I'm Yejoon sir" she replied. "I appreciate your efforts Yejoon but I'll translate for Soohyun from today on okay?" I told her. "Don't be afraid to ask me for help, kay Soohyun?" I said to her in English, patting her shoulder before walking towards the table to start with the day's lesson. She seems like someone with a fragile mind, and a very interesting one.

Soohyun's POV:

"What just happened?" I thought to myself before opening my textbook to page no.193 while trying to process what had just happened. "Mr. Hwang can speak English?" I thought while smiling like an idiot thinking about his cute accent. And that smirk HOOOLLLLY "Okay class, sorry for wasting your time. I want you guys to try reading the paragraph on the page, understand it and answer the questions below, okay?" Mr. Hwang said snapping me out of my thoughts. The class agreed in unison as I stared at the paragraph. It seemed quite simple but reading it was a whole other task. As I started to answer the questions with my terrible handwriting, Mr.Hwang started walking around the classroom to check on us. He stared at what Yejoon was doing and looked at what I was doing. Since I had no idea what I was doing, I just pretended to think while rubbing the eraser part of my pencil on my chin as I felt his gaze on me. He then walked behind the table Yejoon and I were sitting on and leaned his shoulder on the table to get a better view at what I was doing. "Excuse me Soohyun, let me help you out" He said in English before grabbing an eraser and erasing what I had previously written and grabbing my right hand and leaning over me. I was so confused, I thought "why is he holding my hand?" and "what is happening right now?". He then started guiding my hand to write while telling the correct way to write each alphabet and correcting my sentences with awful grammatical errors. Wow, he's so nice and the sweetest teacher I've ever had. He seems like someone I can trust and I think I'm in love with him. Oh no, this is exactly what I feared for before I moved here, that I'd get attracted to some guy and think about him 24/7. Maybe I should stop thinking about it and just continue with whatever's happening. After he finished answering pretty much all the questions and explaining how to, I thanked him before he patted my head and left a note that said

 수업 후에 머물다(stay after class)

He went towards his desk. "Oh shit! have I gotten the wrong idea the whole time? is he going to tell on me to my parents or something?" I thought as I was quite scared. After a while the bell had rang. I watched every one leave the classroom while sitting awkwardly and waving to Yejoon as she wished me 'good luck'. The classroom became empty except for Mr.Hwang and I.

(The following conversation is in English) 

Hyunjin's POV:

I went up to Soohyun since I told her to stay in class and sat on Yejoon's seat. "Hey Soohyun" I said. "Yes Mr.Hwang?" she asked while her head shot to meet me in the eyes, looking kinda annoyed. "I'm sorry to waste your time, but I'd like to talk to you" I told her. "about what sir?" she asked innocently with fluttering eyelashes. I giggled at her cuteness. "You should really stop referring to me as Mr.Hwang or sir, I don't really like formalities" I told her. "Is that so?" she asked. "Yes" I said putting my arm around her. "You are one chill person" she remarked. "Thank you" I told her before we stared at each other for an awkward moment. I saw her face, pretty and adorable, her lips: plump and rosy, and her eyes so warm and friendly. 'Oh she's so beautiful' I thought while admiring my student. I felt the urge to caress her cheeks and jawline and didn't hold back.

Soohyun's POV

Mr.Hwang and I stared at each other for a while and I did not hesitate to admire his bewitching facial features. He is literally the most prettiest male I've ever seen. He seems like he could be a visual in a kpop group, if he could sing or rap and dance. He suddenly started caressing my right cheek making heat rush to them, which I didn't mind but I wanted to mess with him a little because it was kinda weird. "Mr.Hwang... I mean...Hyunjin?" I snapped him out of his thoughts. "Yes, Soohyun" he said before realizing what he has been doing to me. "Oh I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable" He said before he took his hand from my face and continued apologizing. "It's okay" I replied before looking at the clock on the classroom wall. "I gotta go" I said before carrying my bag and running out of the room. 

Hyunjin's POV:

"Curse myself for not controlling myself ughhhh Soohyun I'm sorry, I hope you've forgiven me. I didn't mean to scare you like that" I thought, not being able to think about anything else for the rest of the day.

Soohyun's POV:

"OMG I got touched by a male for the first time in Korea!" I squealed like an idiot trying to get the feeling I felt at that time. But wait, does he like me? If he does then I like him to. He's only like five years older than me so, I might have a chance with him. I also really like older men since the immature brats I dated of my age were stupid. Anyway I can't wait to see what the future leads me to. Maybe I might even get married to him. I can tell he's husband material hehe. 

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