Villains, yay.

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Ah yes. Camping with your class, what could possibly go wrong?


But let us go back a little.

The race ended in a tie, and the group of four arrived a little later than the heroes and teachers. To the adults surprise.

"How!" Mandalay exclaimed, "You barely needed twenty minutes to get through!"

"Yeah, we had to go lost on the way here..." Percy awkwardly mentioned, as he scratched the back of his head. Aizawa promptly spit out his coffee, as he looked at them in shock and amazement. Vlad King swooned at the thought, and the Wild, Wild pussy cats just stared.

"That was amazing!" Mei exclaimed, as she slipped of Percy's back. Leo did the same.

"What now?" Jason asked.

"I mean, we thought that they will take 4-5 hours..." Pixie-Bomb began, "Than we wanted to force them to make food..."

"Should we just make it?" Percy offered, "They will definitely take longer..."

"Nah, you can make yourself some if you want, but not for them," she pointed out, to receive for 'aye aye ma'am.' "Good," she smiled proudly. "Now we need to wake Vlad King, any ideas?"

"I can burn him?"

"I can put him in my babies!"

"Catapult him into the air?"

"Drown him."

"Something a little less dangerous... But I like the ideas. Mind telling me your quirks?" Pixie-Bomb began. When another voice interrupted them, "Oh, so they aren't so useless after all. But if they are heroes, they are idiots, saving lives of others."

"We are the mechanical staff!" Leo and Mei stated.

"I am the nurse, Percy, nice to meet you!"

"Yeah... I am the only one from the hero course..." Jason awkwardly announced. To which the boy hit him where the sun does not shine, but Jason only flinched a little.

"You got balls of steel," Tiger commented, as he shivered. Aizawa only felt a little pain, watching this.

The boy just 'hpft', turned around, and walked away.

"Sorry about him..." Mandalay began, "He..."

"His parents were heroes, and they died?" Percy offered the struggling pro. She only nodded. "Don't worry, his opinion will soon change, I have a feeling about it!" Percy assured, smiling like the time the fish sang under the sea with him.

"Now, back to your quirks."

"I can see far..." Mei spoke first.

"Fire. It can't hurt me, I can summon it, and so on," Leo calmly stated. Then Pixie-bomb asked, "Can you also deal with magma?" Leo nodded. "Could you make a volcano?"

That made all of them think. So Percy began the discussion, "If I made a crack in the earth? Then you could pull it out."

"But I never worked with it! Sure, I once fell down into the earth crust after a accident, but still." Vlad, who just woke up, fainted again.

"Can't hurt to try?"

"Please don't give them more ideas!" Aizawa begged, but it was to late.

"Next one! We can help you during training."

"Jupiter's blessing," Jason began, standing perfectly, "It allows me to use the winds, lightning, and so on," she wanted to ask something, but Jason quickly added, "And yes, I can make hurricanes or make it rain and thunder to my wishes."

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